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Littlehampton RNLI Station

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Marina Image

Littlehampton RNLI Station

Marina in United Kingdom

The RNLI is the charity that saves lives at sea. Powered primarily by kind donations, our search and rescue service has been saving lives for nearly 200 years.

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50.80776 N, -0.54484 E
5AM - 9AM
08 September 2024
  • wind icon
    S 10–17 knots. Gusts up to 22 knots.
  • temp icon
  • wave icon
    S 0.5-0.8m at 3s period
  • sun icon
    UV Index: 0 - Low
  • rain icon
    Chance of showers
9AM - 1PM
08 September 2024
  • wind icon
    S 10–20 knots. Gusts up to 23 knots.
  • temp icon
  • wave icon
    S 0.9m at 4s period
  • sun icon
    UV Index: 3 - Moderate
  • rain icon
    Chance of showers
1PM - 5PM
08 September 2024
  • wind icon
    S 8–12 knots veering W 8-12 knots. Gusts up to 18 knots.
  • temp icon
  • wave icon
    S 1.1m at 5s period
  • sun icon
    UV Index: 3 - Moderate
  • rain icon
    Chance of showers
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