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Tonawanda Island Launch Club

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Tonawanda Island Launch Club

Marina in United States

Tonawanda Island Launch Club located in 90 Taylor Dr, North Tonawanda, NY 14120, United States. The Tonawanda Island Launch Club is a private club established on January 7, 1957. Its members are dedicated to fellowship and safe boating. The goals of the TILC are: Promote and advance the interests of boat owners. Develop and encourage a high standard of seamanship and water safety. Provide a mediu

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43.02869 N, -78.88374 E
Visitor Berths


5AM - 9AM
19 September 2024
  • wind icon
    Light and variable.
  • temp icon
  • wave icon
    Calm sea
  • sun icon
    UV Index: 0 - Low
  • rain icon
    Mostly fine
9AM - 1PM
19 September 2024
  • wind icon
    Light and variable.
  • temp icon
    Increasing from 18 to 25°C
  • wave icon
    Calm sea
  • sun icon
    UV Index: 5 - Moderate
  • rain icon
1PM - 5PM
19 September 2024
  • wind icon
    NE 4 knots increasing to 6 knots.
  • temp icon
  • wave icon
    Calm sea
  • sun icon
    UV Index: 5 - Moderate
  • rain icon
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