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Marinas in Lombardy

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Marinas in Lombardy

Porto Lierna

Marina in Province of Lecco
Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 1,5 m Trouble: S Close to: N, E, W. Headlights and lights: Not present Mooring type: Pont / trappa Number of berths under concession: 18 in the old port of Lierna Prohibitions: See navigation regulations Nautical services: Nautical items shop not present Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Town Hall
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Clusane Gianì Filanda

Marina in Province of Brescia
Il small Porto CLUSANE Gianì Filanda in la comune Clusane d'Iseo is an Italian village situated in the northern part of Italy, in Lombardy by Lake Iseo.
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Como Tavernola

Marina in Province of Como
General information: Tavernola is a hamlet of Como on the western shore of the lake, about 1 mile from the city centre. The port is located near the port and the navigation dry dock and is a good reference point for the port. However, it should be remembered that the structure is often fully occupied and therefore it is not easy to find a temporary berth. It should also be noted the presence of a good slipway inside the basin. In case of emergency, it is possible to refer to a pier located a few meters north of Villa Olmo. Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 1,5 m Trouble: E Close to: N, S, W. Lighthouses and lights: The entrance to the port is marked by white lights (temporarily out of use) Mooring type: Pont / trappa Number of berths under concession: 34 Number of moorings in transit for a fee: according to availability Prohibitions: It is absolutely forbidden to cross the landing and take-off runway for seaplanes, marked by yellow buoys illuminated even at night. Also be careful not to hinder passenger traffic, which has right of way over pleasure traffic Nautical services: Slipway Nautical shop nearby Gas station a few meters from the port Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Car parking
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Lavena Ponte Tresa

Marina in Province of Varese
Public Marina Located in Via Ungheria, 12/A, 21037 Lavena Ponte Tresa VA, Italy
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Lungolago Tadini

Marina in Province of Bergamo
The arrival time has to be indicated by suitable signalling, readable without stepping on board. An unguarded craft, without signalling, or moored for a period exceeding the permitted time, may be removed by the competent authorities without any further notice.
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Navalia boats service lake Como

Marina in Province of Como
Marina Our marina has 130 berths available in the water divided into 3 floating piers of different lengths and all boats are moored through fingers. Ideal for boats from 5 to 12m. The floating breakwaters and the piers are equipped with lighting and columns that supply water and electricity, which can be activated via an electronic smart card; the same smart card is used to enter and exit the Marina, whose area is controlled by video surveillance through a dense system of cameras.
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Abbadia Lariana

Marina in Province of Lecco
Typology: Public, Motor Average draft: 1 m Trouble: S Close to: N, E, W. Headlights and lights: Not present Type of mooring: Pont / trappa, Gradinata Number of berths in concession: 13 in the water, 12 in the steps Number of moorings in transit for a fee: 0 Number of free temporary berths: 0 Radio channel: Not present Prohibitions: docking less than 100 meters from the shore is prohibited throughout the territory Other services: Bar, Market, Post office, Separate collection, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Town Hall Approach and characteristics General information: the port of Abbadia Lariana is located along the lakeside promenade. It is characterized by an important protection wall facing north and offers shelter, especially to boats with a reduced draft.
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Auto Nautica Service Srl

Marina in Province of Varese
-120 moorings in the water. · Storage. · Workshop. · Restoration of boats. · Launch haul. · Crane with a capacity of 25 t. · Boat rental. · Sale of boat hospitality area. · Services. · Ample parking. · Trade and rent old cars.
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Baia Boat Service

Marina in Province of Brescia
Private port Freedom and safety to our customers Immersed in the suggestive panorama of Lake Garda, the private port of Baia is in front of the structure, in the D'Annunzio area of ​​Gardone Riviera. • It accommodates 20 boats in the water to offer the customer maximum freedom and the comfort of managing their holiday in the best possible way. • It has 160 indoor storage spaces and an outdoor park for the storage of large boats up to 13 meters. • Owns the shipyard and specialized workshop for total assistance to motorboats. The services of the private port The docking services in the dock, the effectiveness of the infrastructures and the geographical location constitute the quality nautical service of the private port of Baia Boat Service. Launching and hauling: The modern shipyard is equipped with 3 bridge cranes with a capacity of 8 tons each for the launching and hauling of the boats. Mooring assistance: Each berth is equipped with: • light service columns • water intake with universal connection • bathrooms and showers Refuelling: The private port has a service station on the quay for the distribution of fuel. It offers an easy mooring jetty. Porto privato Libertà e sicurezza ai nostri clienti Immersi nel suggestivo panorama del Lago di Garda, il porto privato di Baia è di fronte alla struttura, nella località dannunziana di Gardone Riviera. • Ospita in acqua 20 imbarcazioni per offrire al cliente la massima libertà e il comfort di gestire al meglio la propria vacanza. • Dispone di 160 posti-rimessaggio al coperto e di un parco all’aperto per la rimessa delle imbarcazioni di grandi dimensioni fino a 13 metri. • Possiede il cantiere e l’officina specializzata per una totale assistenza ai motoscafi. I servizi del porto privato I servizi di stazionamento in darsena, l’efficacia delle infrastrutture e la collocazione geografica costituiscono il servizio nautico di qualità del porto privato di Baia Boat Service. Varo e alaggio: Il moderno cantiere è attrezzato con 3 carri ponte della portata di 8 tonnellate ciascuno per il varo e l’alaggio dei natanti. Assistenza all’ormeggio: Ogni posto barca è provvisto di: • colonnine di servizio luce • presa d’acqua con raccordo universale • bagni e docce Rifornimento di carburante: Il porto privato ha in banchina una stazione di servizio per la distribuzione di carburante. Offre un agevole pontile d'attracco.
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Marina in Province of Como
Located in 22010 Santa Maria Rezzonico CO, Italy Public mooring.
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Bellagio Lido

Marina in Province of Como
General information: the small marina is located close to the Lido di Bellagio and a few meters from the northern offshoots of the beautiful gardens of Villa Melzi d'Eril. The property offers shelter mainly to modest sized motor boats. However, different solutions can be found for mooring, as detailed below. Typology: Public, Motor Average draft: 2,5 m Traversia: N, S, E Close to: W Headlights and lamps: Not present Type of mooring: Pont / trappa, Gradinata Number of berths under concession: 19 Petrol station 1.8 km, proceed along via Carcano towards the south. At the intersection with via Valassina, the petrol station is on the right Other services: ATM, Bar, Post office, Waste sorting, Car parking References: Town Hall Approach and characteristics
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Bellagio S. Giovanni

Marina in Province of Como
Bellagio S. Giovanni Typology: Public, Motor Average draft: 1.6 m Traverse: N, S, E, W Headlights and lights: A white light to the left of the entrance Mooring type: Pont / trappa Number of berths under concession: 30 Petrol station 1.8 km, proceed along via Carcano towards the south, at the intersection with via Valassina Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Waste sorting, Car parking References: Town Hall Approach and characteristics General information: the tourist port of San Giovanni is located in the homonymous hamlet of Bellagio, on the eastern shore of the Como branch, and is mainly characterized by fishermen's houses. The town of Bellagio is home to numerous noble villas on its territory, including Villa Serbelloni and Villa Melzi d'Eril, famous for their gardens.
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Bellagio Spartivento

Marina in Province of Como
Approach and characteristics General information: the town of Bellagio is located on the branch of Lake Como. It hosts numerous noble villas in its territory, including Villa Serbelloni and Villa Melzi d’Eril, famous for its gardens. The Spartivento docking, as above Typology: Public, Motor Average draft: 1.7 m Traversia: N, E Close to: S, W. Headlights and lights: There is a white light on the ground side of the entrance. Type of mooring: Pont / trappa, Gradinata Number of berths under concession: 21 in the traps, 20 in the steps Prohibitions: docking is prohibited for non-assignees of berths. Nautical services: Nautical items shop not present Petrol station 1.7 km, via Valassina 85 Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Town Hall
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Bellini Nautica

Marina in Province of Brescia
Storage on Lake Iseo One of Bellini Nautica's mottos is "don't be jealous if we love your boat more than you". And one of the greatest expressions of the attention and meticulous care that the Bellini staff dedicates to each individual boat is certainly the boat storage service. Cantieri Bellini offers its customers three warehouses dedicated to boat storage in Iseo and beyond: one directly overlooking the lake, one at a distance of 800 meters and the third in Corte Franca, a few kilometers from Clusane, for a total of 300 berths. For internal transport, only the truck owned by the company is used, which instead relies on professional drivers and precisely specialized in moving boats for oversized hulls with a width of more than three meters. Bellini Nautica can count on three proprietary overhead cranes capable of lifting from 40 to 160 quintals, but to meet particular needs it relies on external crane rental services that arrive directly on site. The customer can choose between different boat storage formulas, from annual to monthly, through seasonal or winter. Of course, each service is flexible and adaptable to the needs of the individual. For Bellini Nautica, garaging is by no means a simple parking lot. The staff dedicates all the attention it needs to the boat, guarding it with reliability and extreme care. He also follows collections and deliveries from marine locations, such as the French Riviera or Sardinia, taking care of every organizational detail. Each boat is cleaned, covered and returned in perfect condition, following a specific procedure for both the wintering and wintering phases. On the construction site, work is meticulously respected every step, relying on specially trained and specialized personnel. Wintering Winterization begins with the desalination of the engines, which takes place in the water or in the special indoor pool at the construction site, which measures 15 meters in length by 5 in width and 2.5 in-depth. This avoids corrosion caused by saltiness if the boat has been used at sea. Subsequently, the oil is inserted into the cylinders to keep them lubricated and then the water is eliminated from the engine blocks. The batteries are unloaded and kept constantly charged, to optimize their performance for the next season. Dehumidifiers are installed onboard to avoid the formation of mould or other annoying problems. All boats are intensively washed, especially those with wooden hulls, and a protective layer of vaseline oil is spread over all the chromed parts with extreme precision. The boat is then covered and put back, after having performed a complete check-up and having notified the customer of any repairs to be carried out for which a complete quote prepared by the internal specialized workshop is provided. Wintering Before the season begins, the batteries are reinstalled and the boat is put back in the water, where the engine is restarted and then serviced. The boat is then winged and the antifouling protection is applied, sanding the old one and applying two coats of new paint, so as to avoid the attack of microorganisms on the hull, or on the part of the yacht that is in the water. The services of the port Recently renovated and enlarged, the port of Bellini Nautica has over 100 berths and is completely floating, therefore less impacting the environment and safer for moored boats. The structure is protected by reinforced concrete breakwaters with a polyurethane foam core, very effective in the event of thunderstorms, with a draft of 1.90 meters each. Their presence allows keeping the boats still even in very rough waters, giving extreme comfort even to those on board. The port of the shipyard also has comfortable fingers, or small additional piers located every two berths, which allow a very easy descent and ascent and facilitate mooring. Their presence also allows access for customers with motor disabilities, making it comfortable and without obstacles. Each berth is equipped with drinking water and electricity. The staff, always present on-site, guarantees constant assistance to the customer, both with regard to the phases of covering the boat and for binding and refuelling operations. Every evening, a staff member carries out a complete inspection of the port, to verify that all the moorings have been well done and the fenders are properly positioned. The port on Lake Iseo also offers: Catering service. Refuelling service --------------------------- Rimessaggio sul Lago d’Iseo Uno dei motti di Bellini Nautica è «non essere geloso se amiamo la tua barca più di te». E una delle massime espressioni dell’attenzione e della meticolosa cura che lo staff Bellini dedica ad ogni singola imbarcazione è certamente il servizio di rimessaggio barche. Cantieri Bellini mette a disposizione dei suoi clienti ben tre capannoni dedicati al rimessaggio barche a Iseo e non solo: uno affacciato direttamente sul lago, uno a distanza di 800 metri e il terzo a Corte Franca, a pochi chilometri da Clusane, per un totale di 300 posti barca. Per i trasporti interni, viene utilizzato esclusivamente il camion di proprietà dell’azienda, che invece si affida ad autisti professionisti e precisamente specializzati nello spostamento di imbarcazioni per gli scafi fuori sagoma con una larghezza superiore ai tre metri. Bellini Nautica può contare su tre carriponte di proprietà in grado si sollevare dai 40 ai 160 quintali, ma per soddisfare particolari necessità si affida a servizi di noleggio autogru esterne che arrivano direttamente in loco. Il cliente può scegliere tra diverse formule di rimessaggio barche, da quello annuale al mensile, passando per lo stagionale o l’invernale. Naturalmente, ogni servizio è flessibile e adattabile alle richieste del singolo. Per Bellini Nautica, il rimessaggio non è assolutamente un semplice parcheggio. Lo staff dedica alla barca tutte le attenzioni di cui ha bisogno, custodendola con affidabilità ed estrema cura. Segue ritiri e consegne anche da località marine, come dalla Costa Azzurra o dalla Sardegna, occupandosi di ogni dettaglio organizzativo. Ogni barca viene pulita, coperta e riconsegnata in condizioni perfette, seguendo un iter ben preciso sia per le fasi di invernaggio che di svernaggio. In cantiere si lavora rispettando puntigliosamente ogni passaggio, affidandosi a personale appositamente formato e specializzato. Invernaggio L’invernaggio comincia con la desalinizzazione dei motori, che avviene in acqua o nell’apposita piscina internaal cantiere, che misura 15 metri di lunghezza per 5 di larghezza e 2,5 di profondità. Questo consente di evitare la corrosione causata dalla salsedine, se la barca è stata usata in mare. In seguito viene inserito l’olio nei cilindri per mantenerli lubrificati e poi si passa all’eliminazione dell’acqua dai monoblocchi del motore. La batterie vengono sbarcate e mantenute costantemente in carica, per ottimizzarne le prestazioni in vista della prossima stagione. A bordo vengono installati dei deumidificatori per evitare la formazione di muffe o altri fastidiosi inconvenienti. Tutte le barche vengono lavate intensamente, in particolar modo quelle dotate di scafo in legno, e con estrema precisione viene steso uno strato protettivo di olio di vaselina su tutte le parti cromate. L’imbarcazione viene in seguito coperta e rimessata, dopo aver eseguito in check up completo e aver avvertito il cliente di eventuali riparazioni da mettere in opera per le quali viene fornito un preventivo completo preparato dall’officina specializzata interna. Svernaggio Prima che abbia inizio la stagione, vengono reinstallate le batterie e la barca è rimessa in acqua, dove si riavvia il motore per poi procedere al tagliando. L’imbarcazione viene poi alata e si applica la protezione antivegetativa, carteggiando quella vecchia e stendendo due mani di vernice nuova, così da evitare l’attacco dei microrganismi all’opera viva, ovvero alla parte di yacht che sta in acqua. I servizi del porto Recentemente rinnovato e ampliato, il porto di Bellini Nautica conta oltre 100 posti barca ed è completamente galleggiante, dunque meno impattante per l’ambiente e più sicuro per le imbarcazioni ormeggiate. La struttura è protetta da frangionde in cemento armato con nucleo di poliuretano espanso, molto efficaci in caso di temporali, con un pescaggio di 1,90 metri l’uno. La loro presenza permette di mantenere le barche ferme anche in caso di acque molto agitate, donando estremo comfort anche a chi si trova a bordo. Il porto del cantiere nautico presenta anche i comodi finger, ovvero dei piccoli pontili aggiuntivi situati ogni due posti barca, che consentono una discesa e una salita molto facilitate e agevolano l’ormeggio. La loro presenza permette anche l’accesso dei clienti con disabilità motorie, rendendolo comodo e senza ostacoli. Ogni posto barca è attrezzato con acqua potabile e corrente elettrica. Lo staff, sempre presente sul posto, garantisce un’assistenza costante al cliente, sia per quanto riguarda le fasi di copertura della barca che per le operazioni di legatura e rifornimento. Ogni sera, un addetto dello staff effettua un sopralluogo completo del porto, per verificare che tutti gli ormeggi siano stati ben eseguiti e i parabordi adeguatamente posizionati. Il porto sul Lago d’Iseo inoltre offre: Servizio di rifornimento All’interno del porto di Bellini Nautica sono presenti due pompe di benzina per il rifornimento delle imbarcazioni. Un addetto, sempre in servizio durante il giorno, si occuperà dell’erogazione del carburante più adatto all’imbarcazione del cliente. Una pompa è attrezzata con benzina verde tradizionale, mentre l’altra è dotata di una benzina speciale, arricchita con un additivo apposito, estremamente adatto per i motori delle barche d’epoca perché contiene una maggiore quantità di ottani.
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Bellini Nautica

Marina in Province of Brescia
The Bellini Nautica port has over 100 berths and is fully floating, therefore less environmental impact and safer for moored boats. The structure is protected by reinforced concrete breakwaters with a polyurethane foam core, very effective in storms, with a depth of 1.90 meters each. Its presence makes it possible to keep boats still even in very rough waters, providing extreme comfort even to those on board. Within the port of Bellini Nautica, there are two gas stations to refuel boats. An employee, always on call during the day, will be in charge of supplying the most suitable fuel for the client's boat. One pump is equipped with traditional unleaded gasoline, while the other is equipped with special gasoline, enriched with a special additive, very suitable for classic boat engines because it contains a higher amount of octane.
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Blevio Porto Vecchio

Marina in Province of Como
The old port is built with masonry piers that protect the structure from the prevailing winds. Access with sailboats is not recommended due to limited manoeuvrability within the port. The new port, on the other hand, is built with floating docks and is easy to access. The undertow from the north creates problems.
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Brienno Comunale

Marina in Province of Como
General information: Brienno is located on the western shore of the Como branch, between the municipalities of Laglio, to the south, and Argegno, to the north. The country is not crossed by the New Regina State Road. In the territory of Brienno, there are two public ports: the municipal port, which hosts up to four boats, and the nineteenth-century port of S. Anna, near the church of the same name, also of small size. In case of need, do not take these structures into consideration but refer to the municipal structure of Argegno, two miles north on the same shore of the lake, and to a small port located north of the municipal port, equipped with 7 berths, without fringes. billows outside. Typology: Public, Motor Average draft: 1 m Traversia: N, E Close to: S, W. Lights and lights: There is a light at the head of the NLC wharf Type of mooring: Pont / trappa, Gradinata Number of berths under concession: 7 north port; 4 municipal port; 16 S. Vittore Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Car parking References: Consorzio del Lario
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Brienno Molinari

Marina in Province of Como
General information: the private dock is located in the Molino di Brienno hamlet, a few hundred meters from the town. Given the northern exposure, the presence of a significant wave can often occur on site. Remember to contact the site managers before approaching the moorings. Typology: Private, Motor Traversia: N, E Close to: S, W. Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Car parking References: Molinari
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Marina in Province of Varese
Public Moorrings located in the 'Comune di Brusimpiano', Provincie di Varese. Brusimpiano is a comune on Lake Lugano in the Province of Varese in the Italian region Lombardy, located about 60 kilometres northwest of Milan and about 15 kilometres north of Varese, on the border with Switzerland.
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Camping Darna

Marina in Province of Como
Port Camping Darna has a port at the complete disposal of guests. Our campsite with berth in Porlezza is ideal for mooring small and medium-sized boats, motorboats, rubber dinghies and sailing boats. We are also equipped with a slipway for hauling boats and parking for boat trailers.
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Cantiere Nautico

Marina in Province of Brescia
The port is well sheltered from the wind, in case of need our staff is ready to reinforce the moorings. What to see on Lake Iseo and its surroundings Lake Iseo has always attracted tourists, navigators, travelers, onlookers and even artists and writers, thanks to its beauties and extraordinary views. What to see around: Montisola: the largest lake island in Europe Franciacorta and its wine cellars The peat bogs of Sebino Visit the Monastero S.pietro in Lamosa Trekking on Monte Guglielmo The Pyramids of Zone, typical conformations produced by the erosion of natural elements Luine Park and the rock engravings in Naquane --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Il porto è ben riparato dal vento, in caso di necessità il nostro personale è prontissimo a rinforzare gli ormeggi. Cosa vedere sul lago d’iseo e dintorni Il Lago d'Iseo da sempre attrae turisti, navigatori, viaggiatori, curiosi ed anche artisti e scrittori, grazie alle sue bellezze e i panorami di straordinaria suggestione. Cosa vedere nei dintorni: Montisola: l’isola lacustre più grande d’Europa La Franciacorta e le sue cantine vinicole Le Torbiere del Sebino Visitare il Monastero S.pietro in Lamosa Trekking sul Monte Guglielmo Le Piramidi di Zone, tipiche conformazioni prodotte dall'erosione degli elementi naturali Il Parco di Luine e le incisioni rupestri a Naquane
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Cantiere Nautico Bisoli

Marina in Province of Brescia
Located at Via XXV Aprile, 29, 25019 Sirmione BS, Italy. The nautical centre offers you moorings and the service of the club for your visit.
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Cantiere Nautico Brovelli

Marina in Province of Varese
80 BERTH 80 moorings, 25 of which are covered in the winter season OFFICE Office of 70 m2. equipped with an internet connection BATH Toilets, shower on the beach STRUCTURES IN THE WATER Floating docks (which can be accessed even at very low water levels) and mooring buoys. SHEDS three closed storage rooms of 600 square meters. and workshop of 100 square meters RECREATION AREA Outdoor recreation area for the exclusive use of customers PARKING LOT There is public parking available nearby. NEARBY Beach equipped for the storage of medium-sized boats with trolleys and for the storage of light sails. Within walking distance, there are hotels, restaurants and bars. The shipyard is located in Ranco, a tourist destination on the Lombard shore of Lake Maggiore, in a strategic position for boaters who love to sail and enjoy the scenic beauty of the lake by sail, motor or rowing. From here you can easily reach the centre of the lake where renowned naturalistic attractions, monuments and diving sites suitable for recreational and technical divers are located.
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Cantiere Nautico Deghi

Marina in Province of Varese
The following services are available on our site: indoor and water berths landing stages with drinking water and electricity outboard and inboard engine maintenance and repairs repairs of fibreglass and wood hulls painting of fairings, washing and polishing electrical system repairs supply of nautical accessories sale of used motor and sailing boats
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Cantiere Nautico Piccaluga

Marina in Province of Varese
• Area of 110,000 square meters. • Hauling / Various daily for small boats • Hauling and various up to 25 tons • Storage up to 15 meters • Recoveries • Repairs and Restorations • Sandblasting and painting • Consulting and Sales • Osmosis appraisals • Collaborations with other shipyards • We speak German - Wir Sprechen Deutsch
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Cantiere Nautico Piccaluga

Marina in Province of Varese
Marina on Lake Maggiore The Marina di Verbella, immersed in the natural oasis of the Ticino Park, is an important structure that can offer all boaters an optimal situation for the care and custody of their boat, with immediate assistance for any technical problem thanks to the professional workshop. A safe mooring, sheltered from winds and waves. Each mooring can take advantage of a series of comfortable services such as electricity, water, digital terrestrial TV antenna, free wi-fi for internet connection. Possibility of finger pontoon, on request. Inside the Marina bar, restaurant and swimming pool.
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Cantieri Nautici Sebino

Marina in Province of Brescia
Reserved piers External/covered boat storage Launching and hauling service Port Services Boat maintenance Car and trolley parking
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Carate Urio

Marina in Province of Como
Typology: Public, Motor Average draft: 1.2 m Trouble: E Close to: N, S, W. Lighthouses and lights: Both ports are marked by white lights placed on the head of the pier to the right for those who enter Type of mooring: Pont / trappa, Gradinata Number of moorings under concession: Urio: 7 in trappa; Carate: 9 seats in the traps and 3 in the steps. Prohibitions: See navigation regulations Quayside services: - Nautical services: Nautical items shop not present Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Town Hall General information: The municipality is made up of the two hamlets of Carate, to the north, and Urio, to the south, once independent municipalities. There are two public marinas, which are part of the two hamlets of the town. The ports have a similar conformation and neither of them is capable of accommodating boats in transit. Both basins have a narrow entrance, which makes entry not easy in case of strong wind.
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Carate Urio - I Canapi

Marina in Province of Como
Typology: Private, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 7/8 m Trouble: S Close to: N, E, W. Lighthouses and lights: White lights at the head of the jetty Mooring type: Pont / trappa Number of berths under concession: 50 Dock services: Water Nautical services: Nautical items shop not present Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Storage General information: Carate Urio is a municipality made up of two distinct hamlets; Carate and Urio. In the immediate area, there are several noble villas, embellished with sumptuous gardens. Of modern conception, the port "I Canapi" is located immediately north of the town centre. There are no places for transit but owned and rented.
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Marina in Province of Bergamo
A small resting place where you can moor your boat. Request mooring to the Lake Iseo community.
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CASTRO Vecchio

Marina in Province of Bergamo
Castro is a comune in the Province of Bergamo in the Italian region of Lombardy, located about 80 kilometres northeast of Milan and about 35 kilometres northeast of Bergamo on the western side of the Lake Iseo. As of 31 December 2019, it had a population of 1,292 and an area of 3.5 square kilometres. You can moor your boat and go sightseeing in our city, requesting a place in the Lake Iseo community
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Centro Nautico Fauser

Marina in Province of Varese
The Marina di Sesto Nautical Center, with decades of experience in the sector, offers its customers fender and assistance services. The centre, in fact, has a large useful area, where, in addition to storage during the winter, ordinary maintenance interventions can be carried out on the boats, according to the needs of the client. The Marina di Sesto Nautical Center offers a complete experience to its clients, guaranteeing access to exclusive services: Relax area equipped with loungers and umbrellas, chairs and tables Pizza catering during opening hours Adjacent to the Nautical Center it is possible to access Camping Lido di Sesto, which offers its clients: a children's playground, bar and restaurant and swimming pool. Sanitary facilities with changing rooms and showers with hot water Burglar alarm and video surveillance area 24/7 internal parking 100 berths On-demand engine assistance Spare parts service on request Hull maintenance (polishing, washing, antifouling) on request Control and maintenance of water, oil, fuel levels and battery charge status on request mooring service mooring assistance covered storage A large square for drying in the open air Drying and launching and hauling services Water and electricity services on the pier
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Centro Nautico Il Porticciolo

Marina in Province of Varese
The YACHTING CENTER IL PORTICCIOLO SRL nautical centre is located in the municipality of Castelletto Ticino with access from the Sempione state road, it is easily accessible from the Milano / Laghi motorway, Sesto Calende exit and from the Genova / Gravellona Toce motorway, Castelletto Ticino exit. Inside it has a large parking area for customers, a slide that allows boats to be put directly into the water with a trolley and a 6t capacity fixed crane. The YACHTING CENTER IL PORTICCIOLO is equipped to carry out any repair and maintenance to your boats or your engine. The presence of a petrol and diesel station allows us to offer customers an additional appreciated service. The shipyard is home to the homonymous sailing club affiliated with the F.I.V. Among the various services offered to its customers, there is a Wi-Fi network to connect to the internet with your computer, and the provision for satellite TV reception directly on the quay. Maintenance of fibreglass hulls, wood and dinghies Marine engine repairs R.I.N.A. Practices Transfer of boats by water and by land Consultancy service for the purchase of new or used boats.
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Centro Nautico S. Anna srl

Marina in Province of Varese
Centro Nautico Sant’Anna has always aimed to provide the best possible assistance service for your boats. We offer a complete assistance and maintenance service for your boats so that you can always navigate in complete safety and tranquillity. Mechanical maintenance to solve any technical problem. Hull maintenance with careful washing, and polishing. Towels and cushions in quick times and with the best fabrics and materials. Complete accessories for the best navigation. In search of a nautical base near Milan where they could train his children, themselves world champions of water skiing, he literally fell in love with the splendid bay of S. Anna. Well sheltered, ideal for sleeping on a boat in complete tranquillity and safety, a splendid natural setting surrounded by a green park: all elements that made it the ideal place to create your own nautical center. Nautical and more The main nautical services are: wide range of sheltered outdoor or indoor berths, easy and organized mooring at the jetty, fuel dispenser, technical and mechanical assistance, comfortable and large internal car park with trees. In addition to these important nautical services, there are also many services aimed at the maximum comfort of customers who choose to bring their boat with us, the result of the constant search to always give something more than just the berth and that distinguishes the S. Anna on Lake Maggiore, thanks also to a staff that is always available and welcoming.
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Cernobbio Comunale

Marina in Province of Como
Type: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 0.9 m Crossing: N, E Close: S, W Lighthouses and lights: The entrance to the port is marked with white lights Type of mooring: Pont / Step. Number of moorings under concession: Approximately 40 Number of moorings in transit of payment: subject to availability Dock Services: Gasoline, Diesel Nautical services: Crane, flag type, capacity 1.5 tons. Nearby Nautical Store Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post Office, Recycling collection, Pharmacy, Parking References: Town Hall Cernobbio is a characteristic and graceful town in the first basin of the Como branch. The municipal port is located near the town centre. Cernobbio hosts numerous noble villas on its territory, including Villa Erba and Villa d’Este, used as luxurious hotels or centres for international conferences. The port of Cernobbio has recently been modernized, offering a greater number of berths thanks to a floating dock anchored to the breakwater of the existing port. It should be noted the presence in the town squares of a crane and a distributor for nautical use owned by the Cernobbio Nautical Association.
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Cernobbio Villa d'Este

Marina in Province of Como
Approach and characteristics General information: the port is located inside the famous Villa d’Este in Cernobbio. The villa hosts, especially in the summer period, important international economic conferences, during which access to the structure is prevented by imposing security measures. However, during the winter, when the hotel is closed, the port can be used, subject to authorization. If necessary, it is advisable to refer to the adjacent municipal structure of Cernobbio. Typology: Private, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 10 m Traversa: S, E Close to: N, W Lighthouses and lights: The entrance to the port is marked with a red and a green light Mooring type: Pont. Number of berths under concession: 34 Number of moorings in transit for a fee: according to availability Prohibitions: For those coming from the south it is absolutely forbidden to cross the landing strip for seaplanes, marked by illuminated yellow buoys. Also pay attention to Navigazione Laghi, which always has right of way Services on the quay: Water, Electricity Nautical services: Nautical items shop not present Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Hotel Villa d'Este
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Circolo Nautico Portese

Marina in Province of Brescia
Our Club is located at the entrance to the Gulf of Salò, sunny but sheltered from the waves generated by constant winds. Over the years it has adapted to the architectural development of the lake, a private port has been inserted next to the existing regional port. A modern structure that blends in with the natural landscape. Our Club has a reserved and guarded square for members with the possibility of storing sailing boats and dinghies, the crane, another indispensable tool for hauling, and for the ordinary maintenance of boats. The space is completed by a recreational area in the port area equipped with toilets and showers available to members. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Il nostro Circolo sorge all’entrata del golfo di Salò, assolato ma riparato dalle onde generate dai venti costanti. Si è adeguato con gli anni allo sviluppo architettonico del lago, un porto privato si è inserito accanto all’esistente porto regionale. Una struttura moderna che si armonizza con il paesaggio naturale. Il nostro Circolo dispone di un piazzale riservato e custodito per i soci con la possibilità di depositarvi le imbarcazioni a vela e derive, la gru, altro strumento indispensabile per alaggi, e per l’ordinaria manutenzione delle imbarcazioni. Completa lo spazio una zona ricreativa nell’area portuale provvista di servizi igienici e docce a disposizione dei soci.
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Circolo Vela Canottieri Domaso

Marina in Province of Como
Typology: Private, Sailing, Motor Average draft: n. d. Traversia: N, E Close to: S, W. Lighthouses and lights: White light visible for 180 ° placed at the top of the sailing club Type of mooring: Buoy, Pont / mooring traps, Gradinata Number of berths under concession: 28 Number of moorings in transit for a fee: 5 (25 € / day, max 7 days) Number of free temporary moorings: 2 (max 2 hours) Radio channel: VHF 12 Prohibitions: See navigation regulations Services on the quay: Water, Electricity Nautical services: Crane, mobile type, capacity 2 tons. Comolakeboats Shipyard and Storage, tel. 3334014995 Slipway: Slipway for sailing dinghies Nautical shop nearby Petrol station 1200 m, SS340 dir (Regina), southbound Other services: WC, Shower, ATM, Bar, Market, Wi-Fi, Car parking References: Massimo Bernasconi General information: the Circolo Vela Canottieri Domaso is located north of the homonymous village and at the foot of Vercana. It represents a safe and easy mooring for sailing and motorboats. It is possible to stop for a few hours at a comfortable and easy floating dock to take advantage of the club and bar services. For longer stops, some buoys are available. It is necessary to make contact in advance, via radio or telephone, with the club manager. It should also be noted the presence of a small beach reserved for members, well protected from the winds.
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Marina in Province of Como
General information: the port of Colonno is located close to the state road 340 and appears to be in a central position with respect to the town which extends longitudinally with respect to the lake. Located halfway between Isola Comacina and Argegno, the port of Colonno has an almost local use and for this reason it does not provide moorings in transit. Typology: Public, Motor Average draft: 1,5 m Trouble: S Close to: N, E, W. Type of mooring: Pont / trappa, Gradinata Number of moorings in concession: 30 in the trappa, 3/4 in the steps Prohibitions: Commercial traffic has right of way over pleasure traffic, even if sailing Quayside services: - Nautical services: Nautical items shop not present Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Car parking References: Town Hall
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Como Marina

Marina in Province of Como
Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: n. d. Traversia: N Close to: S, E, W. Lighthouses and lights: The two ends of the pontoon of the new structure are marked by white lights. The head of the breakwater, which constitutes the entrance to the historic part, on the other hand, is marked with a red light. Mooring type: Pont / Finger, Pont / trappa Number of berths under concession: 195 Radio channel: Not present Prohibitions: It is forbidden to cross the landing and take-off runway for seaplanes, marked by yellow buoys, which are illuminated even at night. Furthermore, commercial navigation enjoys the right of way over pleasure boating, even if sailing Services on the quay: Water, Electricity Nautical services: Nautical shop nearby Gas station on the lake at Yacht Club Como (dist.0.7 nautical miles) Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Como Urban Services Approach and characteristics General information: the port of Como Marina is located in front of the central Piazza Cavour, where the port of the city was located in ancient times, subsequently buried. There are several buildings, churches and monuments in general to visit in Como, including the Duomo, Villa Olmo, the church of Sant’Abbondio and the Volta temple. Although located in a central position with respect to the city, it should be noted that the port of Como Marina does not include places in transit, as the structure is accessible with a magnetic key. For places in transit, refer to the S.Agostino facility, located about 200 meters to the east.
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Como S. Agostino

Marina in Province of Como
Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 2,5 m Traversa: N, W Close to: S, E Lighthouses and lights: The entrance to the port is marked with a red light Type of mooring: Pont / trappa, Gradinata Number of moorings under concession: 40 in the traps, 40 in the steps Number of free temporary berths: 4 Prohibitions: It is absolutely forbidden to cross the landing and take-off runway for seaplanes, marked by yellow buoys illuminated even at night. Commercial traffic has right of way over leisure traffic, Nautical services: Nautical shop nearby Gas station on the lake at Yacht Club Como (dist.0.7 nautical miles) Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Town Hall General information: the port of S. Agostino is located in front of the square of the same name. The presence of a few places for temporary mooring and the proximity to the centre makes it the ideal landing place for a visit of a few hours to the city. In particular, from here it is possible to reach, within a few hundred meters, or more than a couple of kilometres, the Duomo, the historic centre (within which the church of San Fedele is located) and the lakeside promenade. . Having a few hours available, you can then visit Villa Olmo with its gardens, reachable via a comfortable and pleasant pedestrian street that connects it with the AeroClub hangar square. It is noted.
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Como Viale Geno

Marina in Province of Como
Type : Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 2.5 / 7 m Crossing: N, S, W Coast: E Type of mooring : Pont / trappa Number of moorings in concession: 98 Number of moorings in transit: according to availability Nautical services: Nearby nautical store Gas station on the lake of the Yacht Club Como (dist. 0.7 nautical miles) Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post Office, Selective collection, Pharmacy, Parking
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Costa Volpino

Marina in Province of Bergamo
Costa Volpino is a public Marina. It is located in a position that could be defined as “strategic” between the beginning of Valcamonica and the confluence point of the river Oglio into lake Iseo. The local economy is typically industrial and, consequently, also its urban aspect; however, there are natural elements of outstanding beauty, which we recommend visiting. SIGHTSEEING ATTRACTIONS The municipality of Costa Volpino is divided into seven small towns. Among them worth mentioning is the medieval hamlet of Corti and Volpino, of Roman origin, with the parish church of Santo Stefano, which is home to a 16th-century altarpiece. Above a large panoramic terrace, reachable by bus, stands Qualino, offering a full panoramic view of Lake Iseo and the lower Valcamonica. Also well worth a visit is the parish church of S. Bartolomeo in Brunico, with its interesting 15th-century frescoes, and the parish church of San Giorgio in Ceratello, with its splendid panoramic position.
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Cremia San Vito Comunale

Marina in Province of Como
General information: Cremia is a small village on the western shore of Lake Como between the towns of Pianello and Acquaseria. The favorable wind conditions have made Cremia a renowned location for windsurfing and kitesurfing. The port is located at the southern end of the town, in the hamlet of San Vito. It is well sheltered, however the mouth, facing south-east and central to the basin, can facilitate the entry of undertow on the windiest days. Outside the port there is a recently built wharf capable of accommodating 16 boats with mooring in concession. There is also a slipway, located immediately north of the overflow pier, reachable from the nearby state road SS340 (Regina). Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 2 m Traversia: S, E Close to: N, W Headlights and lights: Two white lights at the entrance. Mooring type: Pont / Finger Number of berths under concession: 40 Number of free temporary moorings: 8 (max 2 hours) Prohibitions: See navigation regulations Quayside services: - Nautical services: Slipway Nautical items shop not present Other services: Bar, Market, Post office, Separate collection, Car parking References: Town Hall
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Darsena Neomarine

Marina in Province of Lecco
If you are looking for a quiet and safe port to moor your boat and a strategic one to navigate in the best areas of Lake Como, we have what you need. Neomarine has a private pontoon with floating pontoons with water and electricity for 15 moorings of up to 10 meters in length. What we offer is a small quality marina within the port of S. Cecilia, equipped with all the necessary services to pamper the most demanding owners. Our sailor will be able to provide you with all the necessary assistance to facilitate the entry and exit maneuvers as well as check the moorings during storms and adjust them according to the rise or fall of the hydrometric level of the lake. In our courtyard, just 50 m from the Neomarine pier, you can park your car, rest in the relaxation area and use changing rooms and showers. Contact us for availability and prices depending on the length of your boat.
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Dongo Bersaglio

Marina in Province of Como
General information: the landing place in question is located in Bersaglio di Dongo, between the mouth of the Liro stream and the town of Dongo to the south. The bay that hosts the landing offers good protection from the winds coming from the four quadrants. The pier is equipped with columns for water and electricity. The entire sector is still in the process of being redeveloped. It should be noted the presence of a convenient driveway slipway, a few meters north of the pier, easily reachable from the Regina state road. It is possible to find temporary shelter at the nearby buoys located south of the structure. Nearby there is the Skiffsailing sailing club, which offers a series of services. Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 10 m Close to: N, S, Wio: - Number of berths under concession: 30 Petrol station 450 m, SS340 dir (Regina), northbound Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Town Hall
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Dongo Comunale

Marina in Province of Como
The port structure of Dongo is located in front of the charming and characteristic town, near the main square, where the characteristic lake promenade looks out, characterized by the presence of commercial activities, including the local market. The port consists of two well-differentiated areas: from north to south we can find a dock for temporary moorings, not equipped with breakwaters, the historic port (also called "dock"), with 30 berths and pontoon moorings with mooring traps. Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 2.5 m Junction: N, E Nearby: S, W. Lighthouses and lights: The entrance to the old port is marked by a white light placed on the pontoon Mooring Type: Pont/Finger, Pont/Tmooring traps Number of moorings in concession: 30 north dock Number of moorings in transit of payment: 3 Petrol station 600 m, SS340 dir (Regina), heading north Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post Office, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Parking
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Dongo Molo La Rivetta

Marina in Province of Como
Porto Nuovo (also called “la rivetta”), to the south, with floating docks and fingers. Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 2,5 m Traversa: N, E Close to: S, W. Mooring type: Pont / Finger. Number of berths under concession: 60 south basin Number of moorings in transit for a fee: 3 Petrol station 600 m, SS340 dir (Regina), northbound Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Town Hall
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Errepi Nautica

Marina in Province of Varese
Moorings for boats up to 40 feet, crane handling service up to 6 tons, shelter for boats up to 9 meters. Services The shipyard has toilets and showers available to owners, wi-fi also on the piers, a solarium area with owners' private club with a summer bar, and ample parking. On request towing and recovery of boats, in addition to the organization of land transport and sea transfers. The range of our services includes various services to ensure the pleasure of surfing at 360
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Faggeto Lario

Marina in Province of Como
Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 1,4 m Traversa: W Close to: N, S, E Headlights and lamps: Not present Type of mooring: Pont / trappa, Gradinata Number of moorings under concession: 21 in the trappa, 8 in the tiers Gas station on the lake, headed by the Mostes shipyard Other services: ATM, Bar, Post office, Waste sorting, Car parking References: Town Hall General information: the municipality of Faggeto Lario is located on the eastern shore of the Como branch, between the municipalities of Torno, to the south, and Pognana Lario, to the north. The territory is divided into the three hamlets, once independent municipalities, of Palanzo, Lemna and Molina. The port in question is located near the Riva hamlet, in a pleasantly green area. The latter consists of two basins, north and south.
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Fiumelatte di Varenna

Marina in Province of Lecco
Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 2 m Trouble: S Close to: N, E, W. Headlights and lights: Not present Mooring type: Pont / trappa Number of berths under concession: 23 Number of free temporary moorings: 2 on the external dock Prohibitions: See navigation regulations Nautical services: Nautical items shop not present Other services: WC, Bar, Waste sorting, Car parking
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Fraglia Vela Desenzano

Marina in Province of Brescia
La Fraglia Vela Desenzano offers around 40 berths in the port for mooring and around 30 exclusive places for bulb and offshore boats. Seasonal moorings (with annual contracts) or temporary moorings are possible. The moorings have electricity and water outlets. It is possible to use the crane for various hauling. In addition, various assistance services are available (masts, steam cleaners, daily rental of water space). In addition to two fixed slides for boats, La Fraglia also has a jetty and a crane for the disabled. The bar/restaurant, toilets, showers, changing rooms and free wi-fi are available to all Fraglia members/visitors.
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General Nautica

Marina in Province of Brescia
Nuova General Nautica, located in Rivoltella, is in an ideal logistical position for those who frequently visit Lake Garda or love to spend their holidays here. In fact, it is only 5 minutes from the Sirmione and Desenzano motorway tolls, allowing you to avoid long queues in summer. It also offers summer, winter and annual storage service for those looking for a safe reference point. In our shipyard we also have annual and seasonal moorings with the possibility of requesting maintenance services with emergency repairs, overhauls and quick reviews of the hull, engine and electrical and hydraulic systems, as well as a fuel pump for boats. Our shed has capacity for different types of boats (fiberglass, wood and jet skis), with a length of up to 9 meters. The interior space is divided into two sectors: The lower part is below the level of the lake and is used to house boats of up to 9 meters and the main characteristic of this area is the constant humidity rate that is optimal for the conservation of wooden hulls. We can boast of this 'unique peculiarity' among Garda Lake garages; The upper portion remains above lake level to house fiberglass boats. Included services: 40 thrown and pulled in the summer season; Free use of parking with video surveillance; Use of bathrooms with showers; Fuel pump available; Night outings to be arranged in advance with the office. In our structure we have the possibility of carrying out various processes on the hulls, providing free estimates: Hull antifouling treatment polishing paint engine assistance cover sheets Coverings - cushions - carpet gel coat maintenance Wood and teak maintenance boat wrapping Supply of accessories. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posti barca a Desenzano Cerchi un rimessaggio sul Lago di Garda che ti possa offrire un posto barca sicuro, in posizione strategica, ben servito e a prezzi vantaggiosi? Nuova General Nautica, situata a Rivoltella, è in una posizione logistica ideala per chi visita frequentemente il Lago di Garda o adora trascorrere le sue vacanza qui. Infatti, dista solamente 5 minuti dal casello autostradale di Sirmione e Desenzano consentendo di evitare lunghe code d’estate. Inoltre offre anche il servizio di rimessaggio estivo, invernale e annuale per coloro che cercano un punto di riferimento sicuro. Nel nostro cantiere nautico mettiamo anche a disposizione posti barca annuali e stagionali con possibilità di richiedere servizi di manutenzione con riparazioni di emergenza, revisioni e controlli rapidi su scafo, motore e impianti elettrici ed idraulici, oltre che ad un distributore di carburante per imbarcazioni. Il Nostro capannone può ospitare diverse tipologie di barche, (vetroresina, legno e moto d’acqua), con lunghezza fino a 9 metri. Lo spazio interno è suddiviso in due settori: La parte inferiore è situata sotto il livello del lago ed è adibita ad accogliere imbarcazioni fino a 9 metri e la caratteristica principale di questa area è il tasso di umidità costante che risulta essere ottimale per la conservazione di scafi in legno. Possiamo vantare questa ‘particolarità unica’ tra i rimessaggi del Lago di Garda; La parte superiore rimane sopra il livello del lago per accogliere imbarcazioni in vetroresina. Servizi inclusi: N° 40 varo e alaggio stagione estiva; Utilizzo gratuito del parcheggio auto video sorvegliato; Utilizzo bagni con docce; Pompa di benzina a disposizione; Uscite serali da concordare preventivamente con l’ufficio. Nella nostra struttura abbiamo la possibilità di svolgere varie lavorazioni sugli scafi fornendo preventivi gratuiti: Trattamento antivegetativa alla carena Lucidatura Verniciatura Assistenza motori Teli di copertura Rivestimenti – cuscinerie – moquette Manutenzione al gelcoat Manutenzione al teak e legni Boat wrapping Fornitura accessori
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Global Nautic

Marina in Province of Bergamo
Global Nautic has a private port with 50 moorings, where boats from 6.5 meters to 13 meters are housed. The boats can be left in the water all year round or only during the summer period. During the winter it is possible to keep them in the outdoor square or in the covered warehouse. Inside the two warehouses, there are more than 70 boats that, thanks to the help of two bridge cranes, are quickly submerged in the water, at the disposal of customers. THE YARD SERVICES 50 moorings in the water. 100 covered ties. Cranes and hauling. Launch and haul service. Boat washing. Application of antifouling, paint and resins. Working in fibreglass, steel and aluminium. Electrical installations. Internal repair.
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Gobbi Nautica Ceresio

Marina in Province of Como
Located Piazza Peppino e Angelo Selva, 2, 22018 Cima CO, Italy
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Gravedona Comunale

Marina in Province of Como
General information: The port of Gravedona is located at the southern end of the pretty and characteristic lakefront of the homonymous town. The bay of Gravedona offers good shelter, except for the winds coming from the first quadrant. The basin offers a limited number of berths. It is possible to moor for transit outside the port, on the 3 floating piers located to the north and south of the port. Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 3 m Traversa: N, E Close to: N, S, E, W. Lighthouses and lights: The entrance to the port is marked by green and red lights placed at entrance. Type of mooring: Pont / mooring traps, Gradinata Number of berths under concession: 50 Number of free temporary berths: 12 (max 2 hours) Nautical services: Slipway Nautical shop nearby Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Town Hall
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Green Village Camping & Residence

Marina in Province of Lecco
Our small harbour, structured on floating docks, and situated in a secluded part of the bay, can accommodate boats up to 7.50 meters in length. The mooring is designed with ropes and buoys to ensure adequate security for the boats. At disposal of our customers: toilets with hot showers (surcharges apply) – winter storage pool. In Colico overlooking the beautiful Piona Bay, “Green Village Camping & Residence” offers to all Lake Comolovers a welcoming environment where to spend holidays in tranquillity, whether simply choosing Camping accommodations in our spacious suites, or staying in our Residence.
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ISEO - CLUSANE Centrale Punta

Marina in Province of Brescia
ISEO - CLUSANE Centrale Punta. Porto Di Clusane located in the Provincia di Brescia Lombardy Italy
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Marina in Province of Brescia
Port with exclusive moorings for local residents. Check with the lake community to tie up your boat.
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ISEO Garibaldi

Marina in Province of Brescia
Public Marina. Located in Via Giardini Garibaldi, 25049 Iseo BS, Italy
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Italy Camping Lido

Marina in Province of Varese
NAUTICAL A PIER WITH RESERVED BOAT PLACE Shaded green areas Disabled facilities Barbecue Toilet Beach volley field Place on the pier Video surveillance Canoe, pedal boat and diving rental Football field Sport equipment Bike rental Parking Dog area Outdoor shower washing dogs Ping Pong table Wifi Animation Pets Allowed Laundry room Bowls field Security service Our structure is equipped with the most modern safety control technologies.
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L'alto Lario Marine Center

Marina in Province of Lecco
The only Nautical Club of Alto Lario has located 90 km from Milan and 60 km from Switzerland. It is the historic home of the yacht Nausika, founded in 1971, and represents the foundations of a group born in Lombardy, on the shores of Lake Como. The Alto Lario Maritime Center has 2 docks with floating fingers with more than 200 berths of up to 18 meters, a covered structure for storage and a specialized mechanical workshop. Nausika Yacht is able to offer specialized assistance, maintenance and emergency technical assistance. This wide offer, in addition to providing all the necessary support for your boat, has made the marina one of the reference points for navigation in northern Italy. There is also a large square for self-employment with water and electricity, with free access 24 hours a day. The Alto Lario Marine Center is also a comfortable dining room, with ample private parking, a few steps from the centre of Colico. Equipped with a bar restaurant, with a charming gazebo and a wonderful garden, it has a comfortable swimming pool overlooking the lake, to offer unique moments of relaxation in the splendid setting of Lake Como. The offer is completed with the free Wi-Fi service. On request, it is possible to organize private and prestigious events. At the Alto Lario Marine Center you will find: Service station. 20,000 total m2 of customer service. Jib cranes up to 20 tons. Boat storage on Lake Como. wind barriers. Bathrooms with shower. Floating fingers. Rental of motorboats. Custom slots for handling all types of boats
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La Nautica Scotti

Marina in Province of Como
Storage for every need: the service is available at all stations. We have the possibility to offer various types of storage for your requests, indoor storage, in the square in front of the shed both in summer and in winter and in the lake only for the summer period. summer storage Inside the shed: the boat is positioned on the reservoir when it is not in use, at the time of its use it will be lifted through a bridge crane that will position it on the car that will enter directly into the lake through a slide with rails. This car with a winch allows you to perform traction and various for any type of motorboat. Outdoor dry storage of boats, jet skis. They move by jib crane; so that the client with little wait will have the boat in the water and on the way back it will be put back in a cradle that is always dry. On the lake/marina The mooring jetty and the buoys are sheltered by a natural bend just in front of the nautical base. The structure is made up of a floating pontoon with a T-shaped walkway. The water space of each boat is enhanced by a buoy to facilitate anchoring and mooring to the pontoon rings. Outside the dock there are buoys. winter storage. In winter, the service provides for the storage of boats outside the water in the open air or indoors, guaranteeing the maintenance and care of the boats during the time they are not used. For added security, the entire square and marina are illuminated at night. Crane Service Launch and transport An overhead crane. a jib crane, a car with a winch, everything to flap and launch the boat in the water.
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Lecco Canottieri

Marina in Province of Lecco
Typology: Public, Motor Average draft: 1,4 m Trouble: Close to: N, S, E, W. Lighthouses and lights: Two red and green lights highlight the entrance to the port Type of mooring: Pont / trappa, Gradinata Number of berths under concession: 15 Number of moorings in transit for a fee: 0 Number of free temporary berths: 4 Radio channel: Not present Prohibitions: See navigation regulations Quayside services: - Nautical services: Nautical shop nearby Other services: ATM, Bar, Post office, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Town Hall Approach and characteristics General information: Varenna is located at the mouth of the Esino stream and is a pretty fishing village, which is worth a visit. To the north and south of the town, there are respectively villa Cipressi and Villa Monastero. The marina is located near the historic centre, where there are characteristic souvenir shops, bars and refreshment points. Outside the small port basin, there is a pier for temporary moorings that can accommodate up to 4 boats for a few hours. It is necessary to pay close attention to the wave motion created by the Navigazione ferries. Please note that public navigation has right of way on private boats, even if sailing. Also of note is the ìRiva Grande ”flight of steps, on which fishing boats are moored. Winds: the area blows afternoon breezes from the second and third quadrant, which can reach an intensity of 10 knots. In conjunction with thunderstorms, strong winds of varying directions are recorded. Approach and mooring: conspicuous points, approaching from the north, are the bell tower and the top of the Vezio castle. The town of Varenna is clearly visible coming from the south. Pay attention to the slums at the mouth of the Esino stream, marked by a pole with orange light. Other shallow waters are present at the tip that protects the bay where the ferries dock from the south. Characteristics of the port: it is a port of ancient conception, well sheltered from all winds, but which can offer shelter to a few local boats. If necessary, refer to the port facilities of Bellano.
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Lenno Baia di Venere

Marina in Province of Como
Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 3 m Traversia: N, E Close to: S, W. Headlights and lamps: Not present Mooring type: Pont / trappa Number of berths under concession: 45 in trappa Prohibitions: Commercial traffic has right of way over pleasure traffic, even if sailing. Prohibition of docking for non-assignees. Nautical services: Nautical items shop not present Petrol station 500 m, state road, southbound Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Town Hall
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Lenno on Lake Como

Marina in Province of Como
General information: the mooring in the bay of Lenno is unique in type and size. Protected by the gulf of the same name, the landing place is located on the north shore close to the shore. The pretty gulf, which opens to the east for about 350 m, towards the open lake, represents a decent shelter in case of bad weather. Leaning against the pretty promenade that runs along the entire inlet, it extends over a length of about 200 m, offering shelter to about 40 boats of various sizes. Continuing southwards and skirting the entire inlet, we arrive at the famous tip of Balbianello, characterized by the presence of the famous villa, a tourist destination of great interest. It should be noted the presence of an additional T-shaped pier for public use, of recent construction. The port is also characterized by the presence of a white/red pole, which indicates the depth of the water. Lenno on Lake Como Lenno stands on the western shore on lake Como, here begins the coastal area called the Costa della Tremezzina. Lenno's origins date back to the first Roman Empire; the territory was colonized by Greek colonies, sent here by Julius Caesar at the time of the founding of Nuova Como, colonies which introduced the cultivation of vineyards and olive groves - there is a centuries-old mill, which can still be seen today, which was used for the production of high-quality olive oil. It is believed that Plinio the Younger had his villa named Comedia, from where he could fish comfortably from his window.
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Lepanto Marine Desenzano

Marina in Province of Brescia
Lepanto Marina offers boat storage services in Peschiera and Desenzano del Garda. The alternatives offered are interior, exterior and water storage. In external storage we can create thermo-retractable covers, which allow boats to be protected more safely during the winter. The experience that we have developed over the years, together with the ISO UNI EN certifications, guarantees the customer a high-quality service. Storage: with more than 15,000 meters of storage, cranes, equipment in the water and services on the dock, we can offer you all the services for your boat: covered and uncovered land storage, places in the water, pulled or various, covered with fabric retractable, crib rental, antifouling and transport. Winter storage from 10 euros / meter / month. Call us we take care of your boat.
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Lezzeno Matteri

Marina in Province of Como
Typology: Private, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 2.5 / 3 m Traversia: N, W Close to: S, E Headlights and lights: Not present Mooring type: Pont / trappa Number of moorings under concession: 16 at the jetty, 2 at the buoy Services on the quay: Water, Electricity Nautical services: Crane, flag type; mobile, flag carrying capacity 5 ton. Matteri Shipyard and Storage, tel. 031/914456 Nautical items shop not present Other services: WC, ATM, Bar, Wi-fi, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Shipyard Storage General information: the town of Lezzeno is located on the eastern shore of the Como branch, a few kilometres south of Bellagio. The town is located on the slopes of Mount S.Primo (1,684 m a.s.l.), which blocks the view of the sun in the winter months. The stretch of coast between Lezzeno and Bellagio is characterized by the presence of numerous shipyards specialized in the construction of motorboats. The Matteri shipyard has historically specialized in the restoration of wooden boats.
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Lezzeno Pescaù

Marina in Province of Como
Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 0,6 m (old port) Traversia: N, W Close to: S, E Lighthouses and lights: At the head of the pier there is a white light Mooring type: Pont / trappa Number of berths under concession: 20 on the external pier, 14 in the port Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Town Hall General information: the town of Lezzeno is located on the eastern shore of the Como branch, a few kilometres south of Bellagio. The stretch of coast between Lezzeno and Bellagio is deserted, with cliffs overlooking the lake. In this area is the Carpi cave, once visited with small motorboats and now closed by iron poles to prevent access. Coming from the north, Sostra is the first hamlet you meet. The docking is made up of the old port, dedicated only to boats with a reduced draft, and the floating dock, which can give shelter to larger boats.
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Lezzeno Sostra

Marina in Province of Como
Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 0,6 m (old port) Traversia: N, W Close to: S, E Lighthouses and lights: At the head of the pier there is a white light Mooring type: Pont / trappa Number of berths under concession: 20 on the external pier, 14 in the port Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Town Hall General information: the town of Lezzeno is located on the eastern shore of the Como branch, a few kilometres south of Bellagio. The stretch of coast between Lezzeno and Bellagio is deserted, with cliffs overlooking the lake. In this area is the Carpi cave, once visited with small motorboats and now closed by iron poles to prevent access. Coming from the north, Sostra is the first hamlet you meet. The docking is made up of the old port, dedicated only to boats with a reduced draft, and the floating dock, which can give shelter to larger boats.
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LOVERE Caserma

Marina in Province of Bergamo
Lovere is a town and comune in the province of Bergamo, in Lombardy, northern Italy, at the northwest end of Lake Iseo. The houses in the city have overhanging wooden roofs, typical of Switzerland, combined with the heavy stone arcades of Italy. It lies on a lake and is flanked by a semicircle of mountains.
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LOVERE Lungolago Tadini

Marina in Province of Bergamo
Marina public with availability to 9 moorings. Access to a mooring in the Lake Iseo community. Permanent place or limited time. The arrival time has to be indicated by suitable signalling, readable without stepping on board. An unguarded craft, without signalling, or moored for a period exceeding the permitted time, may be removed by the competent authorities without any further notice.
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LOVERE Nuovo Tigli

Marina in Province of Bergamo
The Porto Lovere is a public Marina. One of the “Most beautiful villages in Italy“, Lovere was described by the English writer Lady Mary Wortley Montagu as “the most romantic place I have ever seen in my life”. Squeezed between the lake and the mountains, the town looks like a large amphitheatre with beautiful buildings built with good taste and perfect architectural sense. SIGHTSEEING ATTRACTIONS Gallery of the Tadini Fine Arts Academy: the oldest Lombard museum of the 19th century. The works Religion and the Tadini Stele by Antonio Canova are the core of the collection. The Basilica of Santa Maria in Valvendra (15th century): presents classical Renaissance architectural forms with Venetian influences. The works of greatest value comprise the large panels of the organ painted on the outside by Ferramola and on the inside by “Moretto”. Sanctuary of the Loverese Saints Capitanio and Gerosa: pilgrimage destination from all over northern Italy. The old hamlet and the Civic Tower with the suggestive internal ascending path allow you to enjoy breathtaking top views of Lovere and the lake. Civic Museum of Natural Sciences: this is home to a rich collection of birds, mammals, shells, butterflies and minerals
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Lungolago Marconi

Marina in Province of Brescia
Lungolago Marconi offers moorings on Lake Iseo. With an environment of tourist places and bars to enjoy your stay in the city. Paratico is a town and comune in the province of Brescia, in Lombardy, Italy. It is located at the southwestern end of Lake Iseo
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Lungolago Sarnico

Marina in Province of Bergamo
Lungolago Sarnico located in Via Monte Grappa, 7, 24067 Sarnico BG, Italy. Tourist point. The port has permanent and temporary moorings. TEMPORARY BERTHS T. Temporary mooring. The spaces marked by the letter may be used for temporary mooring Maximum time 2 h The time of arrival must be indicated with suitable legible notification without boarding. The unmanned boat, unmarked or moored for a period longer than that allowed, may be removed by the competent authority without further notice.
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Marina in Province of Lecco
General information: the small port of Malgrate is close to the town. It seats 20 boats on the water and a dozen on the steps, located immediately south of the entrance. The small gulf offers good shelter in case of strong northerly winds. If necessary, use the buoys located in front of the port. It is worth noting the presence of a floating dock, just north of the port, owned by the Malgratese nautical association. To the south of the port, there is a pontoon for temporary moorings. Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 2.1 m Traverse: S Haven: N, E, W Lights and lights: A white lamppost is placed at the end of the jetty Type of mooring: Pont / trappa, Steps Number of moorings in concession: 20 in the water, 10 in the slipways Number of free temporary moorings: 2 Prohibitions: See navigation regulations dock: - Other services: Bar, Market, Post Office, Individual Collection, Pharmacy, Parking References: Town Hall
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Mandello del Lario

Marina in Province of Lecco
Typology: Public, Motor Average draft: 1,5 m Traversia: N, S Close to: E, W Headlights and lights: Not present Mooring type: Pont / trappa Number of berths under concession: 15 Prohibitions: See navigation regulations Nautical services: Nautical items shop not present Other services: Bar, Post office, Separate collection, Pharmacy References: Town Hall Approach and characteristics General information: the small port of Olcio is located close to provincial road 72. Bordered by a stone wall, it offers shelter to small boats with the reduced draft.
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Mandello del Lario "pra Magno"

Marina in Province of Lecco
Type: Private, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 2 m Traverse: OR Shelter: N, S, E Headlights and Lights: There are white lights at the entrance to the West Basin, while a red light signals the entrance to the East Basin. Mooring : Pont / trappa Number of moorings in concession: 110 Number of free temporary moorings: subject to availability Prohibitions: Prohibited to transit through the metal walkway Dock Services: Water, Electricity Nautical services: Crane, flag type, 6.3 t capacity Varadero: Varadero members LNI Mandello Nearby nautical store Gas station 300 m, state road Other services: WC, Shower, ATM, Bar, Market, Post Office, Pick-up, Pharmacy, Parking References: LNI Mandello Approach and features Overview: Mandello is a busy town north of Lecco, home to many industries, including the historic Moto Guzzi, whose factory is located near the port. The town of Mandello is located on the alluvial cone created by the Meria river. The port is located at the southern end of the town, in the inlet that forms the cone, in a place well sheltered from the north winds. The structure is an excellent reference for navigation on the Lecco branch. There are two entrances, to the west and to the east of the basin. There is no traffic near the east entrance.
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Marina di Bogliaco

Marina in Province of Brescia
Located in Bogliaco di Gargnano, on Lake Garda, opened in 1987, MARINA DI BOGLIACO is a safe and welcoming private port with a strategic position, surrounded by nature and immersed in a very suggestive natural environment in the coastal area of Alto Garda. Park. . Located along the Brescia shoreline of Europe's most beautiful lake, the port can accommodate up to 150 boats of various sizes. It is possible to choose annual, seasonal and daily moorings in the water, hangar or open patio. The mild and temperate climate of this shore of the lake, also called Riviera dei Limoni, the cultural and food and wine tradition, the leisure facilities, the proximity of one of the most famous golf courses, the Bogliaco Golf Club and the mountainous interior, make of this location an ideal place to spend holidays and weekends on a boat.
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Marina di Domaso

Marina in Province of Como
General information: the tourist port of the soc. Carnazzola is located in Vercana and is located at the north end of the plain that houses the municipality of Domaso. The structure is characterized by the presence of an important breakwater placed to protect the four floating piers intended for mooring. The moorings, equipped with fingers, can accommodate about 200 boats of various sizes. The port offers all the necessary services so that it can be defined as a tourist-type marina; drinking water, electricity, fire extinguishing system, video surveillance, crane, toilets, bar and restaurant. We point out the possibility of refuelling and emptying the black water tanks, a service that is not widespread throughout the basin. Given its conformation, this port represents a safe and easy landing place for boats of any size and type, whether they are sailing or motorboats. The eighty parking spaces available are less than the number of moorings foreseen. Typology: Private, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 2,5 m Traversia: N, E Close to: S, W. Lighthouses and lights: The piers are illuminated and there are two red and green lights near the entrance. Mooring type: Pont / tmooring traps Number of berths under concession: 195 Number of moorings in transit for a fee: according to availability Radio channel: Not present Prohibitions: See navigation regulations Services on the quay: Water, Electricity, Petrol, Diesel Nautical services: Crane, jib type, capacity 15 t Nautical shop nearby Petrol station present in the port Other services: WC, Shower, ATM, Bar, Market, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Car parking
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Marina Di Lisanza Srl

Marina in Province of Varese
We operate in a semi-underground warehouse of more than a thousand square meters, with a consolidated marine engine repair shop where collaborators with long and proven experience work, with the possibility of housing vessels of different sizes during the winter, while in the yard two bridge cranes they are capable of flight and launch hulls up to 60 feet long. The flagship is the "Marina" with views of the town of Arona and the magnificent Monte Rosa, equipped with floating pontoons with relative fingers, which withstand the "lacustrine tides" and allow the mooring of some seventy boats, providing them with water and electricity; In this sense, there is a large green lawn area facing the lake adjacent to the structure serving customers, as well as a large outdoor summer area with a gazebo that, equipped with tables and chairs, allows you to organize pleasant barbecues with friends. .
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Marina Lake Garda

Marina in Province of Brescia
In our structure, the client can find places in our square or in the water in our private dock where they can leave their boat in complete safety. At Marina Garda Lake you can rent the best licensed and unlicensed boats to better spend the day on the waters of Lake Garda. Reserve early!
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Marina S. Giorgio

Marina in Province of Como
Approach and mooring: about 100 meters to the east of the port is the war memorial tower, easily recognizable from afar, thus constituting a good vantage point. The approach route is conditioned by the presence of the seaplane landing area, located north-northwest of the dock and marked by yellow buoys, illuminated even at night. It is forbidden, for any reason, to occupy the area delimited by the buoys. Also pay attention to the shallow water near the mouth of the Cosia stream, near the Volta temple. A precautionary route is to continue towards the port of 220° for at least 0.3 miles. The entrance is to the west. Characteristics of the port: it is a recently built port built with floating docks. An Ingemar dock defends against the waves and the movement of the waves of the boats. Inside you can shelter boats of various sizes. Moorings are provided at the buoy, at the pontoon at the trappa or with comfortable fingers.
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Marina in Province of Brescia
Marone Halfway between Iseo and Pisogne, lies on the lake in the town of Marone. Known in the nineteenth century as an important wool production site and more specifically of felt, today Marone is mainly renowned for its olive groves, which has earned it the name “City of Oil“. Marone is also the ideal place for hikes and mountain bike rides, along the many trails that from the centre ascend to the Croce di Marone and Monte Guglielmo. SIGHTSEEING ATTRACTIONS Marone also has a wealth of historical evidence: the remains of a 1st century AD Roman villa can be found in “Cò de Hela”, along the railway line. The ancient parish church of San Pietro in Vinculis (15th century) is located on a rocky spur where once stood a fortress. Along the road to Zone, towards Passo Croce di Marone, the sanctuary of Madonna Della Rota (15th century) with frescoes by Giovanni da Marone is well worth a visit. Worthy of note is also the eighteenth-century parish church of San Martino di Tours, with numerous frescoes by Voltolini. The hamlet of Vello belongs to the municipality of Marone which stretches in a single road between the lake and the hill. The town was built around the new parish church dedicated to Santa Eufemia, home to a 1642 painting by Ottavio Amigoni. At the entrance of the village stands the ancient fifteenth-century parish church, now known as the Church of the Dead for its proximity to the cemetery, which preserves frescoes attributed to Giovanni da Marone. SPORTS Besides trekking and mountain biking, Marone is the right destination for rock climbing lovers, thanks to the many cliffs in Madonna Della Rota and for windsurfing, kitesurfing and wakeboarding enthusiasts, thanks to the constant wind blowing throughout the day in the hamlet of Vello. TOURS AND EXCURSIONS Trekking – From the town centre it is possible to take several walks in the surrounding mountains: reaching the hamlet of Colpiano and entering the Ancient Valerian Road; taking the staircase alongside the Via Crucis holy shrines to visit the church of San Pietro; and for the more willing, going up the path leading from the railway station to the Pyramids of Zone (1h15 ) or to the Cross of Marone (2h), and to the top of Monte Guglielmo (4h). In Vello, with good training, a vertical kilometre leads to the top of Corna Trentapassi. Boat trip – During summer, from the port of Marone, leave two lake tours, one to the north (to visit the beautiful towns of Lovere or Pisogne) and one to the south (to visit Monte Isola, Iseo or Sarnico). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Menaggio Comunale

Marina in Province of Como
General information: the town of Menaggio is one of the most characteristics of Lake Como and has a strong tourist vocation. The municipal port is located along the pretty lakeside promenade and mostly hosts local boats. At 0.1 miles to the north, you can find a pier for temporary moorings, the landing of which does not always offer adequate shelter in case of winds from the south. There is also another temporary mooring 0.1 miles to the south, in "La Darsena", a few meters from a convenient petrol station on the Regina state road. Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 2 m Trouble: S Close to: N, E, W. Lighthouses and lights: White lights at the entrance to the port Type of mooring: Pont /Stairs, Gradinata Number of berths under concession: 32 Nautical services: Nautical shop nearby Petrol station 300 m near the Grand Hotel Menaggio, heading south. Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Separate collection, Pharmacy References: Town Hall
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Menaggio Navalia

Marina in Province of Como
Noteworthy, near the entrance, is the entrance to the municipal marina. General information: The Navalia port facility is located in the municipality of Nobiallo, a few kilometres north of the municipality of Menaggio and is located in the centre of the cove delimited by the promontory of Villa Gaeta and Menaggio. The recently built port can accommodate around 130 ships of various sizes. Winds: The afternoon breezes coming from the southern quadrants can reach an intensity of 10/15 knots. The morning breeze, coming from the northern quadrants, reaches an intensity of 3/5 knots and can be occasionally reinforced by disturbances. Along with storms, strong winds can blow from the south (Menaggino) or from the north (Vento or Ventone). Pay close attention to related warning signs. Approach and mooring: in the approach phase, coming from the north, a good highlight is Villa Gaeta, which strongly characterizes the Nobiallo promontory and is located about 0.6 miles from the port. Coming from the south, the pass is clearly visible once the Menaggio plain has been escaped. There are no draft problems in the approach phase. Characteristics of the port: the structure is capable of offering an adequate level of safety and comfort and offers all the necessary services for the navigator. Within the port area, there are three floating pontoons of different lengths that allow a secure mooring with fingers. The floating docks and docks are equipped with lighting and there are service columns, which can be activated by means of an electronic smart card.
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Mezzegra - Cantiere Abbate

Marina in Province of Como
General information: there are no public landings in the Mezzegra area. The only present is that of the famous Abbate shipyard, located within the wide and peaceful gulf, defined by the Tremezzo shore and the tip of Balbianello. Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Traversa: S, E Close to: N, W Prohibitions: Commercial traffic has right of way over pleasure traffic, even if sailing Nautical services: Crane, flag type, bridge crane Petrol station about 1.5 km in the locality of the Darsena di Tremezzo, northbound Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Car parking References: Town Hall
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Molo Dervio

Marina in Province of Lecco
Moorings near the Santa Celicia port. You will find campsites, the sports field of the Commune of Dervio, bars. You will also find Crane service for large boats managed by the NAvegazione Lake Como Community.
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Moniga Porto Nautica Srl

Marina in Province of Brescia
SERVICES IN PORT We have the professionalism, skills, structures and technologies necessary to guarantee the highest quality standards: dockside, safety and navigation services. BOATS SALE PURCHASE and SALE of sailing and motor boats, new and used. We carry out all the necessary procedures leaving you free to enjoy your boat and Lake Garda. Since 2017 we have been dealers of the prestigious Italian shipyard Cranchi Yachts. LIVING THE MARINA All you need to enjoy a holiday of relaxation and fun in the splendid setting of Lake Garda. Discover the unforgettable landscapes of Moniga, one of the most beautiful areas of the Valte
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Monte Iseo Carzano

Marina in Province of Brescia
Moorings in Carzano 1 - Navigazione Lago d'Iseo. Tourist point and Ferri point. Bars and markets.
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Marina in Province of Brescia
NAVIGATION OF THE LAKE ISEO manages the moorings in the marinas of the Lake. The MONTE ISOLA Paradiso port located on Monte Iseo is a small marina with a tourist point of view Via Nazionale, 16 24062 - Volpino Coast (BG) Tel. 035 971483 - Telefax 035 972970
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MONTE ISOLA Peschiera M.

Marina in Province of Brescia
Moorings in MONTE ISOLA Peschiera M. It offers permanent, temporary and time-limited places. The arrival time has to be indicated by suitable signalling, readable without stepping on board. An unguarded craft, without signalling, or moored for a period exceeding the permitted time, may be removed by the competent authorities without any further notice.
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Marina in Province of Brescia
Small public marina of the Lake Iseo community.
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Moregallo Boat Service

Marina in Province of Lecco
General information: the Moregallo Boat Service marina is located north of the town of Parè, in the hamlet of Moregge, a hamlet of Mandello del Lario. The marina offers shelter to about 30 boats. A few buoys give the possibility to moor temporarily in case of need. Moregallo Boat Service TabGalleryCorrelatiMap Moregallo Boat Service Typology: Private, Sailing, Motor Traversia: N Close to: S, E, W. Headlights and lights: Not present Mooring type: Buoy, Pont / trappa Number of berths under concession: 32 Number of moorings in transit for a fee: according to availability Services on the quay: Water, Electricity Nautical services: Crane, flag type Shipyard and Storage Moregallo Boat Service, tel. 0341/581024 Nautical items shop not present Gas station near the port Other services: Bar, Post office, Separate collection, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Moregallo Boat Service Approach and characteristics General information: the Moregallo Boat Service marina is located north of the town of Parè, in the hamlet of Moregge, a hamlet of Mandello del Lario. The marina offers shelter to about 30 boats. A few buoys give the possibility to moor temporarily in case of need.
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Marina in Province of Como
General information: The marina is located at the foot of the town of the same name. A limited number of boats with limited draft can find shelter there and there are no places in transit. However, in an emergency, for boats with a limited draft, it is possible to find refuge inside the port, while buoys placed outside the port can represent a temporary solution for boats with a fixed drift. type: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 1,5 m Trouble: E Close to: N, S, W. Lighthouses and lights: Two red and green lights indicate the entrance to the port Type of mooring: Pont / mooring traps, Gradinata Number of berths under concession: 27 Number of free temporary berths: 1 Nautical services: Nautical shop nearby Petrol station 1200 m, SS340 dir (Regina), northbound Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Town Hall
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Nautica Bavaria West/

Marina in Province of Brescia
Moorings We have moorings on the southwest coast from Manerba to Moniga. We offer covered and dry moorings throughout the year. Boat moorings and interior moorings • Places for buoys • Boat detailing: cleaning, polishing • Restoration of boats: painting, PRFV works, electricity,... • Engine and transmission repairs • Canvas, antifouling, upholstery, carpets • Purchase and sale of boats
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Nautica Bertelli

Marina in Province of Brescia
Immersed in a unique environment, 70 equipped moorings welcome the customer. The relaxation area and the view of the shore of Lake Bergamo are the setting for a 5-star offer. 70 MOORINGS SERVED BY MODERN FLOATING DOCKS 130 INTERIOR BERTH The entire area is accessible on wheels, has wi-fi and security service.
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Marina in Province of Brescia
To offer all its services in the best possible way, Nautica Carlo did it in two: The shipyard 500 meters from the Sirmione motorway exit, and following the same road for about 4 km, the Marina, in Rivoltella di Desenzano THE BEST MARINA The Navy has Parking lot Moorings with water and electricity Full changing rooms with showers yard storage fire system Video surveillance and night surveillance THE BEST SERVICES Nautica Carlo thanks to its facilities in Desenzano and San Martino d/B and thirty years of experience, is able to offer superior services for Storage reconditioning Repair Preparations Technical assistance Mechanical Assistance boat transportation haul boats
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Nautica Domaso

Marina in Province of Como
General information: the Marina Nautica Domaso is located at the north end of the plain that houses the municipality of Domaso. Easy mooring for sailboats and motorboats, sheltered for winds from the second and third quadrant and offers a wide range of services, including bar-restaurant with swimming pool. The structure is sheltered by a floating breakwater placed perpendicular to the port, 30 meters long. Typology: Private, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 2,5 m Traversa: N, E Close to: S, W. Headlights and lights: Not present Mooring type: Pont / mooring traps Number of berths under concession: 19 Number of moorings in transit for a fee: according to availability Services on the quay: Water, Electricity Nautical services: Crane, bridge crane type; self-propelled, bridge crane capacity 5 and 8 tons; self-propelled capacity 25 tons Shipyard and Boat Storage Domaso, tel. 034496255 Nautical shop nearby Petrol station 600 m, SS340 dir (Regina), southbound Other services: WC, ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Nautica Domaso
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Nautica Feltrinelli

Marina in Province of Brescia
RIMESSAGGIO Rimessaggio in capannone coperto o posto barca in darsena, con allacciamento acqua ed energia elettrica. Servizio di varo e alaggio, manutenzione e pulizia di scafi e motori. Controllo e mantenimento dei livelli di acqua, olio, carburante e stato di carica delle batterie. Assistenza all’ormeggio e consulenza tecnica e commerciale. Completano la nostra offerta la pompa carburante in banchina e la comodità della nostra Club House, i comfort riservati alla nostra clientela, la terrazza solarium e la praticità di docce, servizi igienici e spogliatoi. Il residence, progettato e realizzato secondo i moderni principi dell’eco sostenibilità, offre ai propri ospiti diverse soluzioni abitative: 6 cottage per max 4 persone ciascuno, una spaziosa villa con 8 posti letto, 5 appartamenti di varie metrature che possono ospitare da 2 a 6 persone. Inoltre, a disposizione degli ospiti, il parcheggio gratuito, possibilità di ricarica auto elettriche, free Wi-Fi, biancheria letto e bagno ed ampio giardino. I NOSTRI OSPITI POTRANNO NOLEGGIARE UNO DEI NOSTRI BELLISSIMI MOTOSCAFI FRAUSCHER, OPPURE PRENOTARE UN POSTO BARCA PER TUTTA LA DURATA DEL SOGGIORNO, USUFRUENDO DI UN SERVIZIO DI RIMESSAGGIO COMPLETO PRESSO IL CENTRO NAUTICO. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STORAGE Storage in a covered shed or berth in the dock, with water and electricity connections. Launching and hauling service, maintenance and cleaning of hulls and engines. Control and maintenance of water, oil, fuel and battery charge levels. Mooring assistance and technical and commercial advice. Our offer is completed by the fuel pump on the quay and the convenience of our Club House, the comforts reserved for our customers, the solarium terrace and the practicality of showers, toilets and changing rooms. The residence, designed and built according to the modern principles of eco-sustainability, offers its guests different housing solutions: 6 cottages for up to 4 people each, a spacious villa with 8 beds, 5 apartments of various sizes that can accommodate from 2 to 6 people. Furthermore, at guests' disposal, free parking, the possibility of charging electric cars, free Wi-Fi, bed and bath linen and a large garden. OUR GUESTS WILL BE ABLE TO RENT ONE OF OUR BEAUTIFUL FRAUSCHER MOTORBOATS OR BOOK A BERTH FOR THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE STAY, TAKING ADVANTAGE OF A COMPLETE STORAGE SERVICE AT THE NAUTICAL CENTER.
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Nautica Ferrari e Tabacchini

Marina in Province of Varese
With its 50 years of life, the "Nautica Ferrari e Tabacchini" presents itself with a solid tradition of competence and reliability. A few kilometres from Milan, on Lake Maggiore, near the motorway exit, you can safely moor your boat, finding a peaceful and pleasant environment where you can spend your days on the lake. The large shaded parking lot, the panoramic terrace, the spacious storage and maintenance sheds, the comfortable and wind-sheltered floating docks, the lakeside lawn bordering the small beach, give the ideal environment to spend your moments of relaxation, away from stress and in contact with nature. You will also find professionalism and availability to remedy any inconvenience that may arise on your boat.
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Nautica GGC

Marina in Province of Como
Family business, Storage and maintenance Boat rental without a license, Yamaha engine sales, Nautical accessories sales Conero boat rental without a license, Yamaha engines, Nautical accessories, Boat maintenance, Hauling service and crane launching. Moorings
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Nautica Lavazza Srl

Marina in Province of Varese
NAUTICAL AND TECHNOLOGY Nautica Lavazza, in order to improve the permanence and safety of navigation and stay at the facility, offers a series of high-tech services, among these we mention: The weather station on the construction site with data supply in real-time Broadband throughout the marina area via a WI-FI service open to members Access system to the nautical area by means of a badge Internal alarm and monitoring structure via webcam
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Marina in Province of Varese
Porto ans Ramp located in Via Bruschera, 99, 21021 Angera VA, Italy
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Nautica Pezzotti S.r.l

Marina in Province of Brescia
The Port The port of Nautica Pezzotti is located in the hamlet of Pilzone d’Iseo, in an almost central position on the lake, an excellent starting point for navigation to the lower lake (towards Clusane) and the upper lake (towards Lovere). The port overlooks a small bend in the lake that is very quiet even if it is very well known. Thanks to its two perimeter walls, the boats inside are always sheltered even in the event of a rough lake or strong wind. Launch and Hauling The 10-ton bridge crane offers launching and hauling services for its customers and tourists. The lakefront workshop also operates in the water offering maintenance work. The piers Two reserved piers, one fixed and one floating, host 60 boats in the water. All served by electricity and water towers, wifi throughout the area and access reserved for customers only at any time. Storage Possibility of summer and winter storage divided into 2400 square meters outdoors in the yard and 4000 square meters indoors in several warehouses all equipped with alarm systems. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Il Porto Il porto della Nautica Pezzotti si trova nella frazione di Pilzone d’Iseo, in una posizione quasi centrale del lago, ottima partenza di navigazione per il basso lago (verso Clusane) e l’alto lago (verso Lovere). Il porto affaccia in una piccola ansa del lago molto tranquilla anche se molto conosciuta. Grazie alle sue due murate perimetrali le imbarcazioni al suo interno sono sempre al riparo anche in caso di lago mosso o vento forte. Varo e Alaggio Il carroponte da 10 tonnellate, offre servizio di Varo e Alaggio per i suoi clienti e per i turisti. L’officina fronte lago opera anche in acqua offrendo lavori di manutenzione. I Pontili Due pontili riservati uno fisso e uno galleggiante ospitano 60 barche in acqua. Il tutto servito da torrette di energia elettrica e acqua, wifi sull’intera area e accesso riservato ai soli clienti in qualsiasi orario. Rimessaggio Possibilità di rimessaggio estivo e invernale suddiviso in 2400 mq all’aperto in piazzale e 4000 mq al coperto in più capannoni tutti dotati di impianti d’allarme.
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Nautica Sbirry

Marina in Province of Varese
The tradition of shipowners' experience, handed down from father to son, is combined with state-of-the-art technologies to guarantee a very high level of quality intervention for both old and modern boats. From wooden planks to fibreglass, Nautica Sbirry is able to intervene for any maintenance, modification or repair, with a high degree of finish and quality of work. The Marina has services for your assistance.
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Nautica Tognoli

Marina in Province of Varese
The marina, on the southeastern shore of Lake Maggiore, is located in a small natural gulf protected from the winds; facing the city of Arona, to the north it offers the pleasure of enjoying the view of the Angera fortress, a medieval castle that belonged to the Visconti and now to the Borromeo and I solino Partegora, located just 3 minutes by boat. The seabed of the port is regularly dredged, allowing navigation in times of scarcity even for deep-draft sailboats. The Ingemar floating pontoons with galvanized steel bearing structure and precious exotic wood platform are equipped with the increasingly popular finger mooring system which, in addition to contributing to greater pontoon stability, facilitates mooring even in unfavourable weather conditions. thus eliminating the problem of the uncomfortable trappa. Docks anchored to galvanized steel poles that adjust according to lake excursions are equipped with water, electricity and climbing ladders - RINA iso certified.
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NauticaGa dì Benedetti Gabriele

Marina in Province of Varese
Pleasure watercraft Boat storage rental
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Marina in Province of Varese
Boat rental with and without a license. Mooring and temporary or annual covered storage. Assistance and recovery of boats. Maintenance by highly qualified personnel. Mercury, MerCruiser and Volvo Penta engine assistance. Authorized SeaRey and Bavaria dealer.
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Marina in Province of Como
General information: Nesso is located on the eastern shore of the Como branch. The village is situated on the slopes of Mount San Primo and from here it is possible to reach the mountains of the Larian triangle. Nesso is divided into three hamlets: the hamlet of Borgovecchio, which is located in the northern part of the city and houses the ruins of a castle; the hamlet of Careno; and the hamlet of Coatesa. Each village is characterized by a small port. Specifically, the port of Careno is made up of two docks, north and south, protected by masonry wharves; while the port of Coatesa is located near the urban area. Given the shallow draft and very low manoeuvrability, it can only accommodate very small motorboats. Near the town centre is the Orrido di Nesso, formed by the waterfall of the Nosè river,
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Nesso Borgovecchio

Marina in Province of Como
the port of Borgovecchio is located at the mouth of the stream that descends from Mount La Forcoletta, which is located NE of the hamlet. Careno is located near the narrowest bottleneck of the lake and is only 700 meters on the western shore from Torriggia. Finally, the port of Coatesa is located in a sheltered position, squeezed between the houses of the town; on approach, the only useful reference is the navigation pier, located immediately north of the berth; the entrance is made particularly uncomfortable by the shallow waters and the limited freedom of manoeuvre.
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Oliveto Lario - Vassena

Marina in Province of Lecco
Oliveto Lario - Vassena Typology: Public, Motor Average draft: 2 m Trouble: E Close to: N, S, W. Lighthouses and lights: The presence of a white light at the entrance to the port Type of mooring: Pont / trappa, Gradinata Number of berths under concession: 21 Number of moorings in transit for a fee: according to availability Prohibitions: See navigation regulations Quayside services: - Nautical services: Nautical items shop not present Other services: Post office, Pharmacy References: Town Hall Approach and characteristics General information: very characteristic town for the frescoed houses near the marina. To the north of the small landing-place, there is a temporary mooring (maximum two hours) on a floating dock. There is also a flight of steps that can accommodate up to 18 small boats.
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Oliveto Lario - Vassena

Marina in Province of Lecco
Approach and characteristics General information: very characteristic town for the frescoed houses near the marina. To the north of the small landing-place, there is a temporary mooring (maximum two hours) on a floating dock. There is also a flight of steps that can accommodate up to 18 small boats. Typology: Public, Motor Average draft: 2 m Trouble: E Close to: N, S, W. Lighthouses and lights: The presence of white light at the entrance to the port Type of mooring: Pont / trappa, Gradinata Number of berths under concession: 21 Number of moorings in transit for a fee: according to availability Other services: Post office, Pharmacy References: Town Hall
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Marina in Province of Como
General information: The moorings in the Comacina island area are undoubtedly among the most characteristic of Lake Como. The presence of the only island in the Larian basin, emerging from the water like a rock, strongly characterizes this place, both from the morphological and environmental point of view. The area is commonly called ìZoca de l'Oli” as it is strongly characterized by an exceptional undisturbed calm and enhanced by the presence of calm waters such as oil. There is a strong presence in the area of ​​archaeological remains, which contribute to adding charm to this particular place. At the beginning of summer, the Sagra di San Giovanni is very attractive, which, through a fireworks show, recalls the burning of the island in 1169 by Barbarossa, with the help of the city of Como. On that occasion, all the houses present were destroyed and completely razed to the ground. The particular richness of history and archaeological finds meant that in the early 2000s, Ossuccio was recognized as a UNESCO heritage site. Approach and mooring: coming from the north, after escaping Lavedo point (Balbianello), it will be easy to perceive the shape of the island, which will appear to us from its short side. The water channel, between the coast and the island, is strongly characterized by the presence of beacons and buoys used by the locals for mooring. South of the mouth of the Perlana stream and close to Villa Balbiano is the first mooring, partly private, characterized by the shape of L. Ossuccio, whose use is not recommended due to its size and morphology. Pay attention to the presence of shallow waters in the north of the island. Coming from the south, conspicuous and recognizable, it is the landing place of navigation, located at the southern end of the island, difficult to perceive as such, given the overlap with the coast behind. Note the recent construction of two docks near the Velaarca, a historic wooden ship used as a home, moored in the centre of the bay that houses Ossuccio. Characteristics of the port: they are small ports reserved for permanent moorings, however, it is possible to approach and temporarily stop for short periods of time, without abandoning the boat. It is possible to dock for the night at the existing buoys in the area and at the new floating pontoons, indicated above. Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 3 m Traverse : S Haven: N, E, W Lights and lights: There are no lights at the entrance to the port from the north. There is a white light at the south port entrance. Type of mooring : Pont / trappa Number of moorings in concession: 12 in trappa Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post Office, Waste separation.
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Parè di Valmadrera

Marina in Province of Lecco
General information: the port of Parè is located in front of the town of the homonymous hamlet of Valmadrera. The port, of generous dimensions, offers a good shelter to about 60 boats, even large ones, in addition, to note the presence of 50 places for small boats on the steps. Be careful not to confuse the structure with the private floating docks to the north. Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 2.1 m Trouble: S Close to: N, E, W. Headlights and lights: Not present Type of mooring: Pont / trappa, Gradinata Number of berths in concession: 65 in the water, 50 in the steps A number of free temporary moorings: 1 shared with the municipal police and law enforcement agencies. Prohibitions: See navigation regulations Nautical services: Nautical items shop not present Gas station near the port Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Town Hall
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Parè di Valmadrera - Bellavista

Marina in Province of Lecco
Typology: Private, Sailing, Motor Average draft: n. d. Traversa: N, S Close to: E, W Headlights and lights: Not present Mooring type: Buoy, Pont / trappa Number of berths under concession: about 10 Number of moorings in transit for a fee: according to availability Prohibitions: See navigation regulations Quayside services: - Nautical services: Nautical items shop not present Gas station near the municipal port Other services: ATM, Bar, Post office, Separate collection References: Bellavista Restaurant Approach and characteristics General information: the pier is located in front of the restaurant of the same name, in Parè di Valmadrera, well connected to Lecco. The mooring offers hospitality to about 10 sailing and motorboats. The mooring in question should not be confused with the Albatros wharf, located about 100 meters to the south.
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Pescallo di Bellagio

Marina in Province of Como
Approach and characteristics General information: Pescallo is a small and pretty fraction of Bellagio, located on the western shore of the Lecco branch. The landing, consisting of buoys only, is located in a bay that is well sheltered from winds from the north, while it is exposed to winds from the south. Average draft: 2 m Trouble: E Close to: N, S, W. Headlights and lights: Not present Mooring type: Buoy Number of berths under concession: 50 at the buoy Number of moorings in transit for a fee: according to availability Nautical services: Nautical items shop not present Petrol station 1.8 km, via Valassina 85 Other services: Bar, Market, Separate collection References: Circolo Vela Pescallo Approach and characteristics General information: Pescallo is a small and pretty fraction of Bellagio, located on the western shore of the Lecco branch. The landing, consisting of buoys only, is located in a bay that is well sheltered from the winds from the north, while it is exposed to the winds from the south-east, which however rarely blow with strong intensity in the area.
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Pianello del Lario

Marina in Province of Como
Aerial view of the shore of Pianello del Lario. On the right of the frame, you can see the port structure built with floating piers. On the left, you can see the structure of the former "Larian boat museum" General information: the port is located at the foot of the town and hosts up to sixty boats, including large ones. There are two entrances to the port, one from the north, which is absolutely inadvisable, and one located to the south, which is easy to use. Outside the port, there are some buoys, which you can use in case of need. To the south of the port, there is a flight of steps. Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 3/5 m Traversia: N, S, E Close to: W Lighthouses and lights: Two red and green lights indicate the entrance to the port Type of mooring: Pont / mooring traps, Gradinata Number of berths under concession: 66 in port Nautical services: Nautical shop nearby Petrol station 3600 m, SS340 dir (Regina), northbound Other services: WC, Shower, ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Waste collection, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Town Hall
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Piazza Salmister

Marina in Province of Brescia
Piazza Salmister is in Iseo. Piazza Salmister is situated nearby to Vesto bene, and close to Lo chalet. Is a public Marina located in Piazza Salmister, 13A, 25049 Iseo BS, Italy
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Pognana La Cava

Marina in Province of Como
Typology: Private, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 2 m Traverse: S, W Close to: N, E Headlights and lamps: Not present Mooring type: Pont / Finger Number of berths under concession: 35 Number of moorings in transit for a fee: according to availability Gas station on the lake at the Mostes shipyard in Faggeto Lario Other services: WC, Shower, Bar, Post office, Waste sorting, Car parking References: La Cava General information: to the south of the small town of Pognana Lario, the dock is surrounded by a vegetation of cypresses, pines, palm trees, olive trees and laurels; annexed to the port is a tourist centre that offers various services such as a swimming pool, tennis court and clubhouse. It is possible to rent the berth both for the entire tourist season and for transit only.
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Pognana Lario

Marina in Province of Como
General information: the municipality of Pognana Lario dominates the eastern shore of the lake, a few kilometres from the city of Como. Continuing north we find three ports of modest size: - Quarzano is an isolated landing place, located immediately south of the mouth of a small stream that descends from Mount Preàola. - San Fedele, a small village a little further south, with its tiny landing stage, near the steep shores of the municipality of Larian - Riva, below, near the seaport. The frescoes and architecture are characteristic of the place; Of particular value is the church of San Miró, which is accessed by a waterproof staircase.
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Port of Quarzano

Marina in Province of Como
the banks of the port of Quarzano are easily accessible by rowing boats and rubber dinghies from the mouth of the stream to the south; here is a good anchorage. The port of San Fedele, on the other hand, of modest size, is well protected to the north by the stone elbow pier. The port of Riva is recognizable by the presence of the small wharf of the port of navigation. Type: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 0.8 m Traverse : S Haven: N, E, W Headlights and lights: Absent
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Porticciolo di Angera

Marina in Province of Varese
Located in Piazza Garibaldi, 21021 Angera VA, Italy Angera offers good services and facilities for yachting, in fact it has the "municipal Hapsburg port", the "port of viale Repubblica" and the "port of viale Pietro Martire". Tourist Point, Boarding for Angera, the possibility of visiting the Rocca Borromeo (with a walk of about 1 km or, by reservation and additional cost, by taxi). In the Rocca: visit of the Castle and the collection of nineteenth-century dolls of the Doll Museum. Boarding. During the return journey, we will skirt the Lombard shore of Lake Maggiore to admire the towns of Ranco, Ispra and the monastery of Santa Caterina. Place of departure: Stresa or on request direct boarding in the town where the group is staying
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Porticciolo di Laglio

Marina in Province of Como
Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 1,4 m Traversia: S, E Close to: N, W Headlights and lamps: Not present Mooring type: Pont / trappa Number of moorings under concession: 13 in the marina, 3 in the steps Quayside services: - Nautical services: Nautical items shop not present Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Car parking References: Town Hall Approach and characteristics General information: the town of Laglio is located on the western shore of the Como branch, between Carate Urio and Brienno. It includes two hamlets: Laglio, bordering Carate Urio, and Torriggia, to the north, bordering Brienno. The port in question is located on the border with Carate Urio. There is also a slipway and a private pier (reference Cantiere Riva, tel. 031/400366).
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Porticciolo di Laveno

Marina in Province of Varese
The municipal port of Laveno Mombello is located near the important docking station of the public boat, with a large and easy-to-access entrance, the seabed is quite deep and mostly sandy, the spaces for manoeuvring are excellent. Inside there are a series of stepped landing slides for modest-sized units that allow for any temporary mooring, as well as a floating dock adjacent to the inner harbour wall. The seats are usually already occupied by local boats. At night, the entrance is marked by the typical red and green turrets.
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Porticciolo di Malgrate

Marina in Province of Lecco
Located in Via Giuseppe Parini, 27, in the Commune Malgrate LC, Italy
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Porticciolo di Reno

Marina in Province of Varese
The port in Reno is characterized by a wide entrance, the seabed is deep and mostly sandy, the spaces for manoeuvring are excellent; inside, at the end of the port, there is a small landing slide that allows for a possible hauling and temporary mooring to units of modest size. Upon entering, on the right of the entrance, there is a floating dock (1). The seats are usually already occupied by local boats. At night, the entrance is marked by the typical red and green turrets.
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Porticciolo Turistico di Arolo

Marina in Province of Varese
The municipal port in the locality of Arolo is small in size but with a very large and easily accessible entrance, the seabed is shallow and mostly sandy, and the spaces for manoeuvring are excellent. Inside there is a wide series of landing slides, semicircular in shape, for small units that allow for a possible temporary mooring; next to the port, there is a convenient slipway for units of any size. The seats are usually already occupied by local boats. At night, the entrance is marked by the typical red and green turrets.
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Porto Siviano

Marina in Province of Brescia
Porto Siviano located in Monte Iseo in the comune the Siviano.
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Porto - Bellano Centro

Marina in Province of Lecco
'Porto Bellano' the la Commune of Bellano located in Viale Tommaso Grossi, 2, 23822 Bellano LC, Italy.
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Porto Baia del Silenzio

Marina in Province of Brescia
Marna located in MONTE ISOLA Baia del Silenzio. Attention Green Light (right) Red Light (left).
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Porto Bardello

Marina in Province of Varese
Tourist Point. Bardello is between Biandronno and Gavirate on the western coast of the lake, on the mouth of the homonym river. In the preceding century, there were been found the rest of the two archaeological stations of the 3.000 a.C., currently preserved in the Civic Museums of Varese. Interesting the Santo Stefano church and the town's gastronomic speciality, the syrop peaches.
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Porto Bellano La Stupenda

Marina in Province of Lecco
Located in the Commune Bellano that is a small town on the eastern shore of Lake Como, close between the rocks of Grigne and the water of Lario, crossed also by the cold Pioverna. typology: Private, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 2.7 m Traversia: S, W Close to: N, E Lighthouses and lights: White light at the head of the breakwater jetty. Mooring type: Pont / Finger, Pont / Number of berths under concession: 120 Number of moorings in transit for a fee: according to availability Number of free temporary berths: 3 Quayside services: - Nautical services: Crane, flag type, capacity 5 tons. Worksite Slipway Storage Nautical shop nearby Petrol station 400 m, SP 72, southbound Other services: ATM, Bar, Post office, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Car parking
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Porto Blevio Nuovo

Marina in Province of Como
Approach and mooring: the old port of Blevio is easily identifiable by the presence of the church bell tower. There are no particular dangers. In any case, access with sailing units is not recommended. The new port, on the other hand, is located about 400 meters south of the old port. There are currently no breakwaters that can mitigate the undertow from the north. Characteristics of the port: the old port is built with masonry piers that protect the structure from the prevailing winds. Access with sailboats is not recommended due to limited manoeuvrability within the port. The new port, on the other hand, is built with floating docks and is easy to access. The undertow from the north creates problems.
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Porto Campitino

Marina in Province of Bergamo
Moorings of Port Campitino are managed in the commune Di Predone for free mooring space contact 0039035926291
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Porto Carzano

Marina in Province of Brescia
Located in Carzano 2 - Navigazione Lago d'Iseo. Small Tourist Marina point with bars nearby.
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Porto Ceresio

Marina in Province of Varese
Porto Ceresio is a comune on Lake Lugano in the Province of Varese in the Italian region Lombardy, located about 50 kilometres northwest of Milan and about 11 km northeast of Varese, on the border with Switzerland. As of 31 December 2020, it had a population of 2838 and an area of 5.1 square kilometres
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Porto Colico

Marina in Province of Lecco
Marina is located in la comune the Colico. Colico is a city in the province of Lecco, Lombardy, Italy. It is situated on the northern arm of Lake Como, where the river Adda enters the lake. Colico is the most important city in the northern part of Lake Como, which is often identified as its Colico branch.
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Porto Comunale 'Dal Molin'

Marina in Province of Varese
Public Porto and Rampo locaeted in la COmune di Angera. Angera is a town and comune located in the province of Varese, in the Lombardy region of northern Italy. In Roman times, it was an important lake port and road station. Formerly known as Anghiera, Angera received the title of the city from Duke Ludovico il Moro in 1497
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Porto di Ispra

Marina in Province of Varese
Public Port in the Comune the Ispra. Located in Piazzale Cesare Rapazzini, 21027 Ispra VA, Italy. The office of the Comune also acts as a ticket office on behalf of Navigazione del Lago Maggiore, with the ability to purchase entrance tickets to the Bella and Madre Islands, facilitating tourists and travellers.
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Porto di Barbarano

Marina in Province of Brescia
Small public marina for visitors. Located in the Lake Garga community. Salò is the largest city on the west shore of Lake Garda and is part of the province of Brescia. The municipal district is set at the feet of the Monte San Bartolomeo on the bay of Salò. In the south and in the west the city is surrounded by the morainic hills. Salò is the municipal district with the major population density of the "Alto Garda Bresciano" and is consequently recognized as the main city. The "Riviera Bresciani" a region between Salò and Gargnano characterized by wonderful Mediterranean vegetation begins in Salò. Thanks to its geographical position among the Valtenesi, Valle Sabbia and the upper Lake Garda, the climate in Salò is mild.
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Porto di Bogliaco

Marina in Province of Brescia
Porto di Bogliaco is a marina in Gargnano. Porto di Bogliaco is situated nearby to Le Vele Di Nappo Monika A. E C. Sas - Ristorante Pizzeria, and close to Kevlove curious bags. Gargnano sul Garda is located on the western shore of Lake Garda, in the middle of Parco Alto Garda Bresciano. The town is the largest on Lake Garda in the province of Brescia, although with the fewest inhabitants, and is made up of several small towns. Lake Valvestino, a small lake between the mountains of the Valley of Valvestino, is part of the municipality of Gargnano. Its landscape is varied and offers fantastic contrasts with the lake, the plain, the hills and the mountains. In September, in "Boglico", the spectacular "Centomiglia", a hundred-mile sailboat regatta, attracts a large audience every year. During the year, in Gargnano, many events, such as Gargnano Jazz concerts. The historical sights of Gargnano are the church of "San Francesco", the bell tower of the church of "San Martino", the "Villa Feltrinelli", today the Grand Hotel of Villa Feltrinelli and the "Villa Bettoni" with its rich garden. The English author David H. Lawrence was a very famous guest of this town. Beyond that, Gargnano Sul Garda offers many sports activities: no matter if it's sailing, windsurfing, diving, mountain biking, hiking or horse riding, outdoor activities like the amusement parks on Lake Garda will fulfil all. your wishes. For this wide range of activities, you also need ideal accommodation: hotels, residences, holiday apartments, B&Bs, campsites and "agriturismo",
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Porto di Clusane

Marina in Province of Brescia
Port of the commune of Iseo. Close to bars and restaurants. Marked the navigation area for the safety of the boat.
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Porto di Desenzano

Marina in Province of Brescia
Located in Porto di, 25015 Desenzano del Garda BS, Italy. Mooring service administered by the Città di Desenzano del Garda.
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Porto di Domaso

Marina in Province of Como
General information: The port is located close to the historic centre. It is located about four hundred meters south of the mouth of the Livo stream. Small in size, it offers shelter to boats with a reduced draft. To the north/east, about three hundred meters from the port, there is a comfortable floating dock, capable of accommodating up to ten boats for a few hours. The pier is difficult to use with winds from the third and fourth quadrant. It is sheltered for the winds of the first and second quadrant. At night, a white lamppost indicates the position of the jetty. Typology: Public, Motor Average draft: 2,5 m Trouble: E Close to: N, S, W. Mooring type: Pont / mooring traps Number of berths under concession: 50 Nautical services: Nautical shop nearby Petrol station 1200 m, SS340 dir (Regina), northbound Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Town Hall
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Marina in Province of Brescia
Services offered by the Port of Dusano: drinking water supply and electricity bathrooms with hot water showers self-service laundry free customer parking area day and night surveillance crane 20 ton. gas station diesel and gasoline winter storage service maintenance service and repair nautical items for sale selling new and used boats
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Porto di Gargnano

Marina in Province of Brescia
Porto di Gargnano is a marina in Gargnano. Porto di Gargnano is situated in Porto di, Via Roma, 25084 Gargnano BS, Italy, nearby to Albergo Gargnano, and close to Piazza Feltrinelli. Gargnano is a town and comune in the province of Brescia, in Lombardy. It is situated on the western shore of Lake Garda. The municipal territory includes the artificial Valvestino Lake. The available moorings are designated by the commune of Gargnano .
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Porto di Gera Lario

Marina in Province of Como
General information: The port of Gera Lario is the berth located to the north of Lake Como. It is located between the Gera stream and the mouth of the Mera river. The islet in the center of the mouth is clearly visible. To the east of the port is the natural reserve of Pian di Spagna and Lake Mezzola. The port is located close to the town and is one of the largest on the lake. The port consists of two basins, south and north. The historic basin, located to the south, offers shelter to a limited number of low-draft boats. The large basin to the north offers good shelter and services for pleasure craft. Given the southern exposure of the entrance, attention must be paid to the entrance. Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 2,5 m Traversia: N, S Close to: E Lighthouses and lights: The entrance to the port is marked by green and red lights placed at the entrance, which can be confused with the lighting of the adjacent parking lot. Mooring type: Pont / trappa Number of berths under concession: 215 Number of moorings in transit for a fee: 10 (€ 7.75 / day, min 4 days, max 30 days) Number of free temporary moorings: 3 (max 10 hours) Radio channel: Not present Prohibitions: See navigation regulations Services on the quay: Water, Electricity Nautical services: Slipway Nautical shop nearby Petrol station 1200 m, SS340 dir (Regina), northbound Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Town Hall
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Porto Di Lierna Grumo

Marina in Province of Lecco
The Grumo landing stage in the municipality of Lierna has replaced the old port, once a reference for navigation on Lake Como. The port consists of two floating docks on which there are 50 berths for even large boats. The public part is located towards the shore while the private part faces the lake. The old port has protective masonry and has a capacity for 19 boats. In Castello there is a large field of buoys, where there is a pontoon for the temporary mooring of the boat, for a maximum time of 4 hours.
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Porto di Lugana

Marina in Province of Brescia
Located at Via Verona, 83, 25019 Sirmione BS, Italy. Marina of the city of Sirmione. You must connect with the commune to request a mooring during your visit to Porto di Lugana.
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Porto di Maderno

Marina in Province of Brescia
Toscolano Maderno is a municipal district in the province of Brescia; it is placed on the west shore of Lake Garda, in the middle of the "Riviera dei Limoni". The locality is about 40 km far from the main city of Brescia and is part of the regional park "Parco Alto Garda Bresciano".
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Porto Di Paratico

Marina in Province of Brescia
The Marina is located in the Comune di Paratico that is part of the Lake Iseo community. The moorings are managed by the 'Lake Iseo Navigation'.
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Porto Di Ranco

Marina in Province of Varese
Porto of the Comune Ranco, located in 21020 Ranco, Lombardy, VA, Italy
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Porto di Rivoltella

Marina in Province of Brescia
Port of Rivoltella located in Porto di BS, 25015 Rivoltella BS, Italy. The services are loaned to the city of Desenzano del Garda, "Città di Desenzano del Garda
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Porto di Tignale

Marina in Province of Brescia
Tignale on Lake Garda is made of six neighbour communities connected among them by a panoramic road: Gardola, Piovere, Prabione, Aer, Olzano and Oldesio. The municipal district is in the heart of the Parco Alto Garda Bresciano, in a marvellous mountain landscape. The picturesque locality is set on upland with the view of Lake Garda, in the middle of idyllic forests and woods. On the slopes of the hills, there are the typical terraces, on which, thanks to the Mediterranean climate, olives are cultivated for the whole year. Around Tignale there is the Natural Park "Lago di Garda Superiore", which offers uncountable paths and cycle tracks (for e-bikes too). Beyond that, there are guided Nordic walking trips in the middle of nature. An excellent activity for families is the adventure park Flying Frog in Tignale. Here there are many tracks for participants of every age that assure fun and entertainment. The tracks have also funny names as for example "The Unrestrained Frog" or "The Flying Frog". The old town centre in Tignale has a particular charm; some houses have picturesque stone portals. Particularly worth visiting is the 17th-century parish church "Santuario Della Madonna di Montecastello", set on a rock jutting out directly on the lake and that is 700 m high. In Tignale, you have to taste the typical dessert called "spongadì". Here, fine eating accompanied by a good wine is in the first place. Worth visiting is also the lemon greenhouses on the "Riviera dei Limoni" and the numerous grottoes in the Tignale territory. Here you can find an active oil press, whose first quality oil has great value. In Tignale you can spend evenings rich with fun and entertainment, for involving events as for example concerts, medieval markets and expositions are not missing. There is also the famous truffle party, "Festa del Tartufo". Porto di Tignale Porto di Tignale is a marina in Lombardy. Porto di Tignale is situated nearby to Torre degli Ulivi, and close to Limonaia Pra de la Fam.
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Porto di Toscolano

Marina in Province of Brescia
Porto di Toscolano is a marina in Toscolano-Maderno. Porto di Toscolano is situated nearby to Oratorio di Toscolano, and close to Parco Arcobaleno. Toscolano Maderno is a municipality in the province of Brescia; it is located on the west shore of Lake Garda, in the middle of the "Riviera dei Limoni". The locality is about 40 km from the main city of Brescia and is part of the regional park "Parco Alto Garda Bresciano". Toscolano Maderno is located on a long promontory between the port of Toscolano and the bay of Maderno, at the foot of Monte Pizzocolo and Monte Castello di Gàino. Both mountains offer an enchanting view of the Italian lake and the extraordinary surroundings. Toscolano and Maderno became a single municipality in 1928. Both towns have two different population centres, divided by the Toscolano stream. While Toscolano is known for its paper industry (in the "Valle delle Cartiere" valley, the remains of the factory have been rebuilt as a museum) and for its publishing industry, Maderno bases its economy mainly on tourism, thanks to its landscapes of a fairy tale. . Beyond that, also the production of wines, oils and lemon juice plays an important role.
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Porto di Villa di Gargnano

Marina in Province of Brescia
Porto di Villa di Gargnano located in the commune of Gargnano, offers moorings for your visit to the city. Porto di Villa di Gargnano is a marina in Lake Garda, is situated nearby to Pane & Olive, and close to Bar Al Porto.
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Porto Gabriele Rosa

Marina in Province of Brescia
Porto Gabriele Rosa is a pier in Iseo. Porto Gabriele Rosa is situated nearby to Iseo, and close to Leon D‘ Oro Ristorante Pizzeria.
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Porto Galeazzi

Marina in Province of Brescia
Porto Galeazzi is a marina in Sirmione. Porto Galeazzi is situated nearby to Trattoria al Porticciolo, and close to Mister Ice. Administrado for the commune of Sirmione
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Marina in Province of Brescia
The Port Services Web cam Weather station complete with measurement of wind, temperature, rain, humidity with history. Wifi Toilet with hot shower Summer outdoor hot shower Towers with water and electricity Fire system Solarium The solarium Equipped solarium areas on the lake edge are the entrance to the piers and serve as a relaxation area for members and their guests. The equipment Each berth is equipped with: 220V electrical outlet connection for drinking water fire-fighting system access to the docks reserved for members special gates to regulate entry. The great distance between one mooring and the other and the Finger system, the prerogative of the most exclusive marinas, facilitate mooring operations and the boarding and alighting of the boat's passengers. For the disabled, there is an easy passage that allows access to the platforms through a practical slide. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Servizi del porto Web cam Stazione meteo completa di misurazione vento, temperatura, pioggia, umidità con storico. Wi-fi Toilette con doccia calda Doccia calda esterna estiva Torrette con acqua ed energia elettrica Impianto antincendio Solarium Il solarium Spazi solarium attrezzati a bordo lago fanno da ingresso ai pontili e fungono da area relax per i soci e i loro ospiti. Le attrezzature Ogni posto barca è attrezzato con: presa elettrica 220V collegamento per acqua potabile sistema anti-incendio accesso ai moli riservato ai soci appositi cancelli per regolare l’ingresso. La grande distanza tra un ormeggio e l’altro e il sistema Finger, appannaggio dei più esclusivi porti turistici, facilitano le operazioni di ormeggio e la salita e la discesa dei passeggeri della barca. Per i diversamente abili è previsto un passaggio facilitato che permette di accedere alle banchine attraverso un pratico scivolo.
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Porto industriale Iseo

Marina in Province of Brescia
Porto Industriale is a public marina, tourist point to enjoy Lake Iseo.
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Porto Labieno

Marina in Province of Varese
The PORTOLABIENO tourist port is located in the centre of Laveno. The town of Laveno overlooks the gulf of the same name, on the Lombard shore of Lake Maggiore in the municipality of Laveno Mombello in the province of Varese. THE PORT: 45° 54.745 N - 8° 36.945 E The PORTOLABIENO marina has 180 berths arranged in floating docks, part of which are reserved for transit. Boats from 6 to 14 m in length can be accommodated. There are no shallow waters within or near the entrance to the port: the navigability of the stretch of water in the port is assured at all times of the year. The location within the Gulf of Laveno protects the PORTOLABIEN from the most frequent winds of Lake Maggiore (Tramontana and Inverna). The external floating concrete pier offers protection from NW winds (Mergozzo) The nearest service stations are: Verbania Intra, Stresa, Fondotoce, DISTANCES By boat: (westward) Verbania Intra NM 2.2 (petrol only) Stresa NM 3.9 (petrol and diesel) Fondotoce NM 5 (petrol and diesel) (northward) Warm NM 3.3 (petrol only)
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Porto Lario Piazza Gera

Marina in Province of Lecco
Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 2 m Traverse: S, W Haven: N, E Lights and Lights: There are white lights at the entrance to the West Basin, while a red light signals the entrance to the East Basin Mooring : Pont / trappa, Gradinata Number of moorings in concession: 15 in trappa, 22 in slipways Prohibitions: Forbidden to moor in the port except for those who have a concession seat Dock Services:- Nautical services: Nautical shop nearby Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Recycling collection, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Town Hall Approach and characteristics Overview: Mandello is a busy town north of Lecco, home to many industries, not least of which is the historic Moto Guzzi, whose factory is located near the port. The town of Mandello is located on the alluvial cone created by the Meria river. The port is located in the centre of the city, in front of Piazza Gera. Be careful not to confuse the port in question with the moorings for fishing boats located near the Navigazione jetty, a few hundred meters further south.
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Porto Lierna Grumo

Marina in Province of Lecco
The port of Grumo consists of two floating docks and is particularly exposed to the south. Approach and mooring: for the conspicuous historical port the imposing and irreverent seminary built in the middle of the coast, on the port. The structure of the new port is easily identifiable coming from the south, from the north it is necessary to pass the town of Grumo to be able to see its outline. The buoy field of Castello is clearly
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Porto Loppia di Bellagio

Marina in Province of Como
General information: the small port of Loppia is a characteristic basin located immediately south of the wonderful gardens of Villa Melzi d'Eril, on the eastern shore of the Como branch. Two barges historically used for transport find shelter inside. It should be noted that all the places are under concession and there are no places in transit. In this regard, it should be noted the presence of a small jetty for temporary mooring inside the marina. Typology: Public, Motor Average draft: 1,4 m Traverse: N, S, E, W Lighthouses and lights: A white light signals the entrance to the breakwater Mooring type: Pont / trappa Number of berths under concession: 17 Petrol station 1.2 km, proceed along via Carcano towards the south, at the intersection with via Valassina Other services: ATM, Bar, Post office, Waste sorting, Car parking References: Town Hall
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Porto Mauro Melzani

Marina in Province of Brescia
Built-in 2004, the "Mauro Melzani" Port is the headquarters of the association and is a fundamental part of our association in promoting the disciplines of Rowing and Sailing. In fact, it is home to courses for schools and children who want to start and develop these two fascinating sports. The port that bears the name of "Mauro Melzani" has: 116 moorings in the water in floating docks Storage space for 25 racing boats Moorings for temporary or emergency transits Trawlers/crane launches Positioned facing the harbour are the headquarters buildings which include the administrative offices, the Rowing storage shed with adjoining gymnasium and rowing pool, as well as the "Magnolia Garden" with its century-old trees.
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Porto Moltrasio

Marina in Province of Como
Characteristics of the port: it is possible to distinguish two distinct parts, the old port, built-in masonry and which houses about 20 mostly small boats, and the external pier, which houses about the same number of boats, which is not sheltered from any breakwater jetty and therefore can be subject to an annoying undertow. A floating dock was mounted inside the old structure, which is available for temporary moorings for small boats. Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 1 m Traversia: N, E Close to: S, W. Number of berths under concession: 20 in the port, 20 at the external floating dock Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Town Hall.
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Porto Novo di Ispra

Marina in Province of Varese
Porto Novo is located close to the Tourist information centre.
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Porto Oliveto Lario - La Piana

Marina in Province of Lecco
The port is protected by masonry piers. The north wind can create a surf at the mouth of the port, looking north. Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 1.7 m Traverse: E Haven: N, S, W Lighthouses and lights: The presence of a light at the port entrance Type of mooring: Pont / trappa Number of moorings in concession: 35 Number of moorings in transit of payment: subject to availability References: City Hall The port of Onno "La Piana" is located in the homonymous village of Oliveto Lario, the former summer residence of men of letters. In addition to the port of La Piana, located in the south of the country, there is also the main port, located in the northern part of the town.
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Porto Oliveto Lario - Limonta

Marina in Province of Lecco
General information: the port of Limonta is located in front of the homonymous hamlet of Oliveto Lario. The marina hosts about twenty boats. Given the small size of the port and the low draft inside, it is impossible to access sailing boats. In the area, there is the small port of "Puncetta S.Dionigi", whose dimensions prevent access to sailing boats and advise against their use even for motorboats. Approach and Mooring: Approaching from the south, the port is visible once Limontasca Point has been rounded. Approaching from the north, see the Navigazione Pier, 150 meters to the south. At night, check out the orange light on the Navigazione Pier. Semi-submerged dock to the left of the entrance Typology: Public, Motor Average draft: 0,6 m Trouble: S Close to: N, E, W. Lighthouses and lights: The presence of two white lights at the entrance to the port Mooring type: Pont / trappa Number of berths under concession: 10 Other services: Post office, Pharmacy References: Town Hall
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Porto Oliveto Lario Onno

Marina in Province of Lecco
General information: the port of Onno is located in the homonymous hamlet of Oliveto Lario, once a summer residence for men of letters. Onno hosts two ports: in addition to the one in question, located in the northern part of the country, also the La Piana port, located in the south. Average draft: 2 m Traversa: N, E Close to: S, W. Lighthouses and lights: The presence of a light at the entrance to the port Type of mooring: Pont / trappa, Gradinata Number of berths under concession: 48 and 3 in the tiers Number of moorings in transit for a fee: according to availability Other services: Post office, Pharmacy References: Town Hall
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Porto Piona

Marina in Province of Lecco
Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 2 m Traversia: N Close to: S, E, W. Lighthouses and lights: A white light signals the end of the pier Mooring type: Pont /stairway. Number of berths under concession: 29 Number of free temporary berths: 3 Petrol station 2700 m, SP72 (Colico), northbound Other services: WC, Shower, Bar, Post office, Pharmacy, Car parking
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Porto Pisogne

Marina in Province of Brescia
The spaces marked with the letter are used for temporary mooring. The spaces marked by the letter may be used for temporary mooring MAXIMUM TIME 2 H Maximum time 2 h The time of arrival must be indicated with suitable legible notification without getting on board. The unmanned boat, unmarked or moored for a period longer than that allowed, may be removed by the competent authority without further notice. The arrival time has to be indicated by suitable signalling, readable without stepping on board.
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Porto Ponecla

Marina in Province of Bergamo
Moorings in the commune Di Predone for free mooring space contact 0039035926291. Places and services available around Porto Ponecla: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centres, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
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Porto Porlezza

Marina in Province of Como
Porlezza is a comune on Lake Lugano in the Province of Como in the Italian region Lombardy, located about 60 kilometres north of Milan and about 25 kilometres north of Como. Porlezza borders the following municipalities: Bene Lario, Carlazzo, Claino con Osteno, Corrido, Lenno, Ossuccio, Ponna, Val Rezzo, Valsolda
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Porto Porlezza

Marina in Province of Como
Porlezza is a comune on Lake Lugano in the Province of Como in the Italian region Lombardy, located about 60 kilometres north of Milan and about 25 kilometres north of Como. Porlezza borders the following municipalities: Bene Lario, Carlazzo, Claino con Osteno, Corrido, Lenno, Ossuccio, Ponna, Val Rezzo, Valsolda.
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Porto Portese

Marina in Province of Brescia
Porto Portese is a marina in Lombardy Located in the Province of Brescia, Italy. It has moorings for the visitor. To request mooring, you must contact the commune. Public port of the Commune, with surveillance cameras, Ramp, Bars and tourist place to visit.
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Porto Riel

Marina in Province of Brescia
Porto Riel was born in 2009 as a small but cosy private structure on Lake Garda. It has 66 moorings, is equipped with the best services and is open all year round. Porto Riel can be easily reached both from the A4 Venice-Milan motorway, Sirmione exit and from the Verona-Brescia state road. Strategic geographical location and a wonderful landscape between Sirmione and Peschiera del Gard
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Porto Riva Grande

Marina in Province of Lecco
Typology: Public, Motor Average draft: 1,4 m Close to: N, S, E, W. Lighthouses and lights: Two red and green lights highlight the entrance to the port Type of mooring: Pont / trappa, Gradinata Number of berths under concession: 15 Number of free temporary berths: 4 Prohibitions: See navigation regulations Nautical services: Nautical shop nearby Other services: ATM, Bar, Post office, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Town Hall Approach and characteristics General information: Varenna is located at the mouth of the Esino stream and is a pretty fishing village, which is worth a visit. To the north and south of the town, there are respectively villa Cipressi and Villa Monastero. The marina is located near the historic centre, where there are characteristic souvenir shops, bars and refreshment points. Outside the small port basin, there is a pier for temporary moorings that can accommodate up to 4 boats for a few hours. It is necessary to pay close attention to the wave motion created by the Navigazione ferries. Please note that public navigation has right of way on private boats, even if sailing. Also of note is the ìRiva Grande ”flight of steps, on which fishing boats are moored. Winds: the area blows afternoon breezes from the second and third quadrant, which can reach an intensity of 10 knots. In conjunction with thunderstorms, strong winds of varying directions are recorded. Approach and mooring: conspicuous points, approaching from the north, are the bell tower and the top of the Vezio castle. The town of Varenna is clearly visible coming from the south. Pay attention to the slums at the mouth of the Esino stream, marked by a pole with orange light. Other shallow waters are present at the tip that protects the bay where the ferries dock from the south. Characteristics of the port: it is a port of ancient conception, well sheltered from all winds, but which can offer shelter to a few local boats. If necessary, refer to the port facilities of Bellano.
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Porto San Felice

Marina in Province of Brescia
Porto San Felice is a marina in Lombardy. Porto San Felice is situated nearby to Cafè del Porto, and close to Hotel Sogno.
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Porto Santa Cecilia

Marina in Province of Lecco
Located in the Comune di Dervio. Amazing tourist place.
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Porto Sassabanek

Marina in Province of Brescia
Porto Sassabanek is an important tourist point to enjoy camping and the Iseolago Hotel & Spa in Iseo. Located in Via Colombera, 2, 25049 Iseo BS, Italy.
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Porto Sasso Moro

Marina in Province of Varese
The public Marina is located at 21038 Leggiuno, Province of Varese, Italy.
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Porto Turistico di Argegno

Marina in Province of Como
General information: the port of Argegno is located between the embankment of the Telo river and the lakeside promenade of the town of the same name, located within a large inlet on the western shore of Lake Como and at the mouth of the well-known and touristic Val d'Intelvi. Going along the curved dam that can be walked on, it is possible to wander from the promontory of Bellagio to Nesso. The characteristic small harbour, of medium size, is centrally occupied by a floating dock that allows the mooring with a towbar to a dozen boats. A large stepped ramp, used for the dry mooring of small local boats, delineates the boundary from the adjacent parking area. Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 2.1 m Trouble: E Close to: N, S, W. Headlights and lights: Not present Type of mooring: Pont / trappa, Gradinata Number of moorings under concession: 27 in the traps, 26 in the steps Number of free temporary berths: 4 (small dimensions / small dimensions) Prohibitions: Commercial traffic has right of way over pleasure traffic, even if sailing Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Town Hall
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Porto Turistico di Lovere

Marina in Province of Bergamo
Our Marina has over 250 moorings arranged on eight piers, two of which break waves with a displacement of 400 tons placed to protect the dock. The mooring categories range from 6.5 meters to 12 meters. Each pier is equipped with columns for the supply of drinking water and electricity, the use of which, not exclusive, is included in the service fee. Access to the moorings is via the use of an identification badge. This procedure, together with the video surveillance system and night patrolling by a specific company in charge, aims to protect the safety of users and moored boats as much as possible. Port facilities Moorings and docks Indoor storage Outdoor storage Port services Port facilities Port timetables Sports activities Boating Sail Tennis Football Basketball Ice skating Facilities and Services Pool Parking lots Playground Green area
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Porto turistico Pizzo

Marina in Province of Brescia
COSTA VOLPINO Pizzo is a public marina, Located in Comune di Costa Volpino
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Porto Zattera

Marina in Province of Brescia
Harbor Porto Zattera allows mooring on your visit to the Desenzano del Garda commune. Nearby you can find various services, bars, fuel. Porto Zattera is a marina in Desenzano del Garda. Porto Zattera is situated nearby to Chiosco Zattera, and close to Zattera Grill.
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Marina in Province of Bergamo
Moorings of the Commune Riva di Solto. Riva di Solto is a comune in the Province of Bergamo in the Italian region of Lombardy, located about 80 kilometres northeast of Milan and about 30 kilometres east of Bergamo, on the western shore of the Lake Iseo. Riva di Solto borders the following municipalities: Fonteno, Marone, Parzanica, Pisogne, Solto Collina.
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Marina in Province of Bergamo
Riva di Solto is a comune in the Province of Bergamo in the Italian region of Lombardy, located about 80 kilometres northeast of Milan and about 30 kilometres east of Bergamo, on the western shore of the Lake Iseo. Riva di Solto borders the following municipalities: Fonteno, Marone, Parzanica, Pisogne, Solto Collina.
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Marina in Province of Bergamo
Small marina, for small boats, where you can moor your boat requesting a place in the Riva Di Solto community. Riva di Solto is a comune in the Province of Bergamo in the Italian region of Lombardy, located about 80 kilometres northeast of Milan and about 30 kilometres east of Bergamo, on the western shore of the Lake Iseo. Riva di Solto borders the following municipalities: Fonteno, Marone, Parzanica, Pisogne, Solto Collina.
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Sala Comacina

Marina in Province of Como
General information: the mooring of Sala Comacina is located near the village of the same name, a very nice old fishing village, located below the provincial road and near the imposing parish building of San Bartolomeo. Some small squares, occupied by restaurant tables in summer, characterize the area adjacent to the lake, but by entering the narrow alleys you have the opportunity to grasp the true character of the place. The port area occupies the central part of the shore located between Villa Beccaria and the small lakeside village. The waters in front of Sala Comacina are well protected and can offer shelter in any situation, using the island as a natural shelter. Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 4/5 m Trouble: S Close to: N, E, W. Headlights and lights: Not present Type of mooring: Pont / trappa, Gradinata Number of moorings under concession: 50 in the trappa, 6/7 in the tiers Number of free temporary berths: 2 Prohibitions: Commercial traffic has right of way over pleasure traffic, even if sailing Nautical services: Nautical items shop not present Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Waste sorting, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Town Hall
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Marina in Province of Brescia
Public Marina Located in Sale Marasino, thanks to its optimal position, was chosen as a summer residence by many nobles from Brescia as evidenced by the elegant buildings still overlooking the lake. Among them is Villa Martinengo-Villagana, a typical example of Renaissance architecture which, with its majestic park, is the most significant residence on the lake. The town divides its tourist resources between the lake and the hills, where characteristic 16th century hamlets offer splendid views. A boat service connects Sale Marasino to Monte Isola with frequent trips. SIGHTSEEING ATTRACTIONS There are many interesting works of art in its churches. The parish church of San Zenone, with its spectacular staircase, is dedicated to the saint who, according to tradition, protects freshwater fishermen. It was built opposite the port in the 18th century. The interior is richly decorated in Baroque style. On the main street there is the church of San Pietro dei Disciplini ( 16th century) which preserves frescoes of the early 16th century. The fifteenth-century church of San Antonio Abate is located in the historic centre of Marasino, with frescoes of considerable artistic value. In Gandizzano, the church of Santa Maria della Neve (16th century) is well worth a visit. In Maspiano there is the sixteenth-century church of San Giacomo Apostolo. In Conche, last but not least, the beautiful church of San Giovanni Battista built in 1700.
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Marina in Province of Brescia
Public Marina located in Via Provinciale, 69, 25057 Sale Marasino BS, Italy. Sale Marasino, thanks to its optimal position, was chosen as a summer residence by many nobles from Brescia as evidenced by the elegant buildings still overlooking the lake. Among them is Villa Martinengo-Villagana, a typical example of Renaissance architecture which, with its majestic park, is the most significant residence on the lake. The town divides its tourist resources between the lake and the hills, where characteristic 16th-century hamlets offer splendid views. A boat service connects Sale Marasino to Monte Isola with frequent trips. SIGHTSEEING ATTRACTIONS There are many interesting works of art in its churches. The parish church of San Zenone, with its spectacular staircase, is dedicated to the saint who, according to tradition, protects freshwater fishermen. It was built opposite the port in the 18th century. The interior is richly decorated in Baroque style. On the main street, there is the church of San Pietro dei Disciplini ( 16th century) which preserves frescoes of the early 16th century. The fifteenth-century church of San Antonio Abate is located in the historic centre of Marasino, with frescoes of considerable artistic value. In Gandizzano, the church of Santa Maria Della Neve (16th century) is well worth a visit. In Maspiano there is the sixteenth-century church of San Giacomo Apostolo. In Conche, last but not least, the beautiful church of San Giovanni Battista was built in 1700. TOURS AND EXCURSIONS Trip to Monte Isola – From the pier, located right in front of the imposing Parish Church, there is a boat service that runs every twenty minutes to reach Monte Isola. Once in Carzano, it is possible to travel around the island (approximately 9 km), on foot or by bicycle, or climb to the Sanctuary ( gradient 400 m), where the effort of the climb is amply rewarded by the beauty of the landscape and the spectacular view. Ancient Valerian Road – In the hillside hamlets, from Maspiano to Massenzano, it is possible to take the Ancient Valerian Road, a panoramic trail easily accessible towards the south, direction Sulzano (5 km) and Iseo (10 km). It is slightly more challenging towards the north, to reach the localities of Marone (2 km), Zone (7 km) and Pisogne (15 km). Punta Almana 1390 meters – A trekking route from Portole (560 m), where, by following the Filippo Benedetti trail on the left, it is possible to reach first the Forcella di Sale (1018 m) and then the peak (1390 m – Walking time 3 hours -gradient 830 m – challenging). IT IS USEFUL TO KNOW THAT The parking lots in Sale Marasino are almost all subject to a fee and work with the “scratch card” system. The card must be purchased from the shops and its cost is based on the length of the stay. So, you scratch the hypothetical time of return and then display the card on the car dashboard.
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San Rocco

Marina in Province of Bergamo
San Rocco Port moorings managed in the Di Predone commune for free mooring space contact 0039035926291 or the Lake Iseo community.
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San Siro Molvedo

Marina in Province of Como
General information: the port of Molvedo is located at the southern end of the homonymous hamlet. The port, not recently built, offers a good shelter for about 25 boats and there are no places available in transit. Average draft: 1,5 m Traversa: S, W Close to: N, E Headlights and lights: Not present Mooring type: Pont / mooring traps. Number of berths under concession: 25 Other services: WC, Bar, Market, Post office, Separate collection, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Town Hall
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San Siro Rezzonico

Marina in Province of Como
General information: the port of Molvedo is located at the southern end of the homonymous hamlet. The port, not recently built, offers a good shelter for about 25 boats and there are no places available in transit. Average draft: 1,5 m Traversa: S, W Close to: N, E Headlights and lights: Not present Mooring type: Pont / mooring traps Number of berths under concession: 25 Nautical services: Nautical items shop not present Other services: WC, Bar, Market, Post office, Separate collection, Pharmacy, Car parking References: Town Hall
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Marina in Province of Bergamo
Three docks with 8 berths to moor your boat and enjoy the tourist spots offered by the Comune di Sarnico. Located meters from bars and tourist spots.
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Marina in Province of Brescia
Sassabanek has its own marina, connected to the lake by the canal, suitable for hosting the boats of its guests. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piscine e grandi e per fortuna poco affollate, zona per arrostire, possibilità di fare il bagno nel lago! Bagni ampi e puliti! Zona ristoro ok! Prato su cui poter mettere sdraio affittate o asciugamani propri e zona giochi bambini.
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Marina in Province of Como
Marina del Borgo services At our Marina we offer the following services: Mooring during the summer Winter storage Hauling Launch For any boat up to 15 meters it is possible to request a quote for winter storage, aesthetic maintenance or other. Maintenance Hull water wash Complete water wash Antifouling Wintering Package Wintering package Customization and personalization of boats and rafts. Complex setups of electronic instrumentation and plant engineering and much more. Recovery While sailing, getting stuck in the lake is a more usual situation than you think: technical problems, accidents, breakdowns and lack of fuel are the most common causes that prevent you from continuing navigation and reaching the berth in port. thanks to the Boat Recovery service, you can count on the intervention of our qualified staff who, if necessary, will pick you up and tow you to the nearest port through one of our vehicles
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Marina in Province of Brescia
DOCKING SERVICES You will find an efficient and competent staff at your service 365 days a year who will know how to respond to all your needs with speed and professionalism. - Ticket with pass -Free WIFI - Bathrooms with showers and hot water - Parking private - Bicycle parking -Motorcycle parking -Surveillance H24 with night guard - Video surveillance H24 - Fire extinguishing system - covered storage - uncovered storage - crane Service - hull washing service - meteorologic service - Porsche electric column for car charging. DOCK SERVICES For your convenience, you can take advantage of our main services: -Water and electricity - Gasoline and diesel dispenser - Mooring with assistance at the dock and mooring with qualified personnel. From free time to restyling of your boat Inside the port you will find exclusive services that our partners dedicate to our guests. - Marina Yachting lounge bar with open-air evenings. -Store with customizable services, products and accessories for your boat. We collaborate with external services with which we can organize various assistance: -Transport by boat -Mechanical -Sender -Boat license. OUR MATES -Mavala _ -Village of Garda -Terme and Grandi Alberghi Sirmione SpA -Hotel du Parc Sirmione -Engel & Volkers
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Sporting Club Domaso

Marina in Province of Como
General information: The berth is located at the north end of the plain that houses the municipality of Domaso. It represents a safe and easy mooring for sailing and motorboats, even if there are no moorings intended for transit. In case of emergency for a shortstop, it is possible to find free buoys, close to the piers of the port. The structure is sheltered by a 70-meter long floating breakwater, located east of the port, capable of limiting the wave motion. It should be noted the presence of a slipway, not accessible by car, owned by the Sporting Club Domaso. A few meters away is another public slipway, easily accessible at the driveway level. Typology: Private, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 2,5 m Traversa: N, E Close to: S, W. Lighthouses and lights: The piers are illuminated and there are two red and green lighthouses at the ends of the breakwater. Do not use these as a reference for entry. Mooring type: Pont / mooring traps Number of berths under concession: 56 Number of moorings in transit for a fee: according to availability Services on the quay: Water, Electricity Nautical services: Slipway Nautical shop nearby Petrol station 600 m, SS340 dir (Regina), southbound Other services: WC, Shower, ATM, Bar, Market, Pharmacy, Car parking
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Storic Lidorama S.R.L.

Marina in Province of Brescia
The Lido di Lonato headquarters are located in Via Catullo n. 1, 5 minutes from the motorway exit and the centre of Desenzano Del Garda. A large shed equipped with a crane bridge and an outdoor patio for a total area of ​​more than 2,000 square meters where we can offer 80 moorings. The property has a private port with a fuel and water supply station; a workshop where any type of repair (electrical, mechanical...) and maintenance are carried out. We carry out storage of any type: monthly, seasonal or annual; inside or outside. We are a stone's throw from Coco Beach and the Madai Kiosk, as well as the Zenzero pizzeria. At the disposal of our clients, relaxation areas with loungers and sofas, toilets with showers and a large car park a few meters from the construction site. The shipyard was born from the experience and passion of its founders and is specialized in the storage, preparation, design, restoration and maintenance of its vessels. DYNAMISM In addition to the main storage and reconditioning activities, Lidorama offers its customers a series of services and advantages dedicated to the optimal maintenance of their boat and is able to satisfy all their needs. REACTION Boat care is not an end in itself; but a means to share this passion, your satisfaction is ours and this allows us to grow and provide better and optimized services.
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Marina in Province of Brescia
Public Marina located in The lakeside town of Sulzano is situated in the Province of Brescia, on the shores of Lake Iseo. It has a population of around 2,000 residents and is located a distance of 65 kilometres northeast of Milan, the regional capital of Lombardy. ​Nearby places of interest include Monte Isola, Iseo, Sale Marasino, Marone, Vello and Lovere.
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Marina in Province of Brescia
Sulzano Public Marina located in the Lake DI'seo. Bordering Pilzone di Iseo, a picturesque gulf formed by the beautiful peninsula of Montecolo accommodates the Nautical Association Sebina that makes Sulzano a landmark for sailing lovers. Here it is possible to practice the sport to the fullest. Characteristic lake hamlet, with hidden alleys and houses very close to each other, Sulzano is now the most convenient port to reach Monte Isola thanks to the frequent day and night trips. SIGHTSEEING ATTRACTIONS Proving that the original nucleus was built in the hills and developed on the lake only after the construction of the coastal road in 1850, the eighteenth-century parish church dedicated to San Giorgio is located in the upper part of the village. The church has a single nave with baroque decorations. Higher up, in a panoramic position, along the Ancient Valerian Road, lies the church of Santi Fermo e Rustico (15th century). The façade is a gable with a rose window and the interior is a single nave with a trussed roof. A walk in the typical lakeside hamlet, via Cadorna, leads to a romantic corner at the church of the Visitation. Every 5 years, Sulzano celebrates its patron saint with the Palio del Drago.
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Marina in Province of Bergamo
Port of Tavernola has free mooring space communicate with the Lake Iseo community
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Torno Nuovo Pontile

Marina in Province of Como
Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 5 m Traverse: S, W Close to: N, E Headlights and lights: Not present Type of mooring: Pont / trappa, Gradinata Number of berths under concession: 44 Nautical services: Nautical shop nearby Other services: ATM, Bar, Post office, Pharmacy, Car parking General information: the town of Torno is located on the tip of the same name which goes into the lake, towards Moltrasio. There are some noteworthy villas, including the famous Villa Pliniana, near the tip, which has hosted illustrious personalities over the centuries. The port is located in front of the town centre square, in a favourably sheltered position from the north. The port, built with floating docks, offers good shelter to boats even of good size. Immediately north of the pier, there is a flight of steps capable of accommodating up to 4 boats.
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Torno Porto Vecchio

Marina in Province of Como
Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 1,5 m Traversia: N, E, W Close to: S Headlights and lights: There is a white light to the left of the entrance for those who enter Type of mooring: Pont / trappa, Gradinata Number of moorings under concession: 20 in the traps, 15 in the steps Nautical services: Nautical items shop not present Other services: ATM, Bar, Post office, Car parking References: Town Hall General information: the town of Torno is located on the tip of the same name which goes into the lake, towards Moltrasio. There are some noteworthy villas, including the famous Villa Pliniana, near the tip, which has hosted many famous people over the centuries. The port is located in front of the town center square, in a favorably sheltered position from the north. Inside there are places in the water, at the traps, and in the steps for small boats. It should be noted the presence, 150 meters south-east of the present structure, of a large floating dock of recent construction.
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Marina in Province of Como
General information: Tremezzo, middle ground. The name probably derives from the central geographical position with respect to the Lario coast, halfway between the Po Valley and the pass of the Canton of Grisons. The Tremezzo mooring is the first mooring of a certain size that you meet when sailing towards Como. Located at the north end of the small basin of Tremezzo, south of the famous Villa Carlotta, and close to the church of San Lorenzo and the characteristic and pleasantly planted lakefront. The floating piers offer good shelter from the winds coming from the north; however, there is one of Griante di Carsolina, equipped with a small covered dock, difficult to recognize as it is very similar to other private harbours. In any case, it is not recommended to approach it, given the difficulty of access. A moderate wave due to the traffic of ferries and boats. It is therefore advisable, in case of mooring with sailboats, to avoid approaching other boats of the same type, to avoid contact with the masts. To the north, note the small port of Griante di Carsolina, equipped with a small covered dock, difficult to recognize as it is very similar to other private harbours. In any case, it is not recommended to approach it, given the difficulty of access. Typology: Public, Sailing, Motor Average draft: 20 m Traversa: S, E, W Close to: N Lighthouses and lights: There are white lights at the head of the piers Mooring type: Pont / steps A number of berths under concession: 108 in step. Prohibitions: Commercial traffic has right of way over pleasure traffic, even if sailing. Petrol station 350 m, locality of the Darsena di Tremezzo, northbound Other services: ATM, Bar, Market, Post office, Car parking References: Consortium of Menaggio lakes
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Tremezzo Villa Carlotta

Marina in Province of Como
Characteristics of the port: The mooring consists of floating docks with pedestrian access from the lake promenade. The waters are deep enough and do not present particular approach problems. The mooring is done through the use of traps. We also highlight the presence of two small ports that are difficult to use: the Villa Carlotta landing stage, located close to it and coinciding with the shipping berth, which is permanently occupied by large tourist boats, and the Susino de Tramezzo landing stage. located to the south and characterized by very modest dimensions and limited draft.
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Villa Geno

Marina in Province of Como
The port is located on Viale Geno, not far from the town of the same name, and is located a few hundred meters from the city centre. The walk along the lake that leads to the port of S.Agostino is pleasant, although often crowded. It is a good starting point to visit the city. To the north of this mooring, beyond the Lake Como shipping port, is a jetty for temporary moorings that leads to the gardens of Villa Geno.
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West Garda Marina

Marina in Province of Brescia
Marina STRUCTURE: Our Marina is open all year round. It has 300 berths for boats from 5 to 14 meters. In addition to the storage in the water, there are 2 yards for ground storage and 2 hangars. The maximum depth of the port is 2.50 meters. The Marina has a large launching channel and a slipway for handling boats. There are large private parking spaces inside and there is also a night security service. Free Wifi service active throughout the port. NAUTICAL SERVICES: Customers can choose annual, seasonal and daily storage in the water, hangar, open and covered yard and winter shelter in the shed. We also carry out hauling and various with cranes (up to 8 t) and travel (up to 15 t). Our staff is at your disposal for the rental of cradles, mooring assistance, wintering and dis-wintering of engines, as well as for masts and dismastings, technical and mechanical assistance in general, engine, hydraulics, electrical and electronics, upholstery and administrative assistance for the handling of practices and regulatory obligations. GROUND SERVICES: The Club House, the Nautical items shop, the solarium area with sunbeds, the swimming pool with hydromassage, changing rooms and bathrooms with showers, hot water, lockers and cabins are available to our customers. It is also possible to use the Lounge Bar and the Restaurant and have an on-board catering service.
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Yachting Hotel Mistral Sirmione

Marina in Province of Brescia
Dispone di porto con scivolo per alaggio di imbarcazioni, garage e parcheggio privato. It has a port with a slipway for hauling boats, a garage and private parking. Our services Bar, restaurant with panoramic veranda Panoramic swimming pool and private beach with sunbeds and umbrellas service Exclusive private port with a slipway for hotel guests Wellness: relaxation area with sauna and hydromassage pool Gym corner with Technogym machine Meeting room Private parking Garage Bikes Wifi Air conditioning TV-Sat Safe Lift
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