Porticciolo Riva Ligure
Facilities & Weather Forecast

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Porticciolo Riva Ligure

Marina in Italy

L’approdo di Riva Ligure si trova ad Est dell’abitato ed è composto da due darsene, una interna parzialmente banchinata e una esterna. L’imboccatura del porticciolo è rivolta ad ESE e segnalata da due fanali. Vi possono trovare un buon riparo solamente piccole barche o gommoni. Per brevi soste diurne, le imbarcazioni più grandi possono ormeggiare davanti a Riva, al riparo dai venti del I quadrante

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Porticciolo Riva Ligure Servizi

43.83694 N, 7.88533 E

Porticciolo Riva Ligure Information



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Porticciolo Riva Ligure Weather Forecast

1PM - 5PM
13 March 2025
  • rain icon
5PM - 9PM
13 March 2025
  • wind icon
    SW 10 knots decreasing to 5 knots.
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    S 1.0m at 6s period
  • sun icon
    UV Index: 0 - Low
  • rain icon
9PM - 5AM
13 March 2025
  • wind icon
    SW 4 knots increasing to E 9 knots.
  • temp icon
  • wave icon
    S 0.9m at 6s period
  • sun icon
    UV Index: 0 - Low
  • rain icon
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Esplora altri porti turistici a Liguria

Marina di Varazze

Marina in Liguria
Marina di Varazze is easy to reach : an hour and a half on the highway from Milan and Turin, also close to Genoa and its airport. Among the first places on the Riviera di Ponente that you come out of the Autostrada dei Fiori, Varazze is located in a position that allows you to avoid the boring traffic jams of the weekend both on arrival and on return . Marina di Varazze has large and modern berths: the point of reference if you are looking for a port in Liguria. Located south-east of the town, Marina di Varazze is made up of a breakwater pier and a breakwater pier, both docks, and a central dock. The water space inside the port is equipped with 12 fixed and 3 floating piers, the maneuvering channels are very wide and the mooring spaces are characterized by generous measures in width. Marina di Varazze is your tourist port where, in addition to finding a berth in Liguria , you will find competence and reliability. In fact, Marina di Varazze combines quality with the concept of freedom of service. The owner can choose whether to take care of part or all of his boat, relying on the nautical assistance services present in the port, or to delegate the task entirely to Marina di Varazze, certain to find your yacht ready to welcome it perfectly ready for navigation. Marina di Varazze covers an area of ​​approximately 232,000 square meters, of which 144,000 are of water. The complex also has prestigious apartments, all facing the sea and with independent air conditioning, 900 covered and uncovered parking spaces serving the entire structure with Tesla charging stations, restaurants, bars and shops.
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Italian Yacht Club

Marina in Liguria
Duca degli Abruzzi MarinaThe YCI nautical centre, located on the Duca degli Abruzzi Marina, coordinates personnel and equipment in order to provide its Members with mooring, launching and haulage facilities.These facilities are also available to visiting yachts for periods not exceeding a few days. Nautical headquarters tel +39.010.2533828 to contact the Nautical Headquarters sedenautica@yci.it Summer headquarters Molo Umberto I, 16034 Portofino Email and number for reservations: yciportofino@gmail.com tel. +39 391 1221570 - +39 0185 267114 Webmaster for everything related to the web: web@yci.it Webmaster for everything related to the web: web@yci.it Nautical Headquarters The nautical headquarters of the YCI, at the Porticciolo Duca degli Abruzzi, coordinates the men and the means to provide members with mooring, launching and towage services. The same services are also provided to passing yachts, for periods of time limited to a few days. The facilities of the Nautical Headquarters LAT / LON : 44° 23',600" N / 008'° 56',000" E Moorings : on 6 floating pontoons and on the quay for over 200 boats. Draft : from 2 to 8 m. Prevailing wind: N-NO Fixed mechanical lifting equipment: n.1 fixed electric crane on the quay with a capacity of 30 tons. Mobile mechanical lifting means : n.1 self-propelled crane with capacity up to 15 tons, n.1 forklift. Mechanical means of transport: a radio-controlled motorized boat trolley for yachts up to 20 tons. of displacement and a forklift up to 3.5 quintals. Slides : fixed for dinghies. Potable water and electrical outlets : at each mooring. Warehouses for yacht accessories : 75 warehouses of various surfaces. Changing rooms and services : 3 rooms on the ground floor of the Headquarters with 94 lockers for storing personal effects, 2 prefabricated rooms on the upper square to the east. VHF radio service CH. 74 (from 8:00 to 20:00). The sailors of the nautical headquarters are equipped with laptops to respond to requests for mooring assistance and other needs. Nautical means for regatta assistance: 3 pilot boats (Beppe Croce, Duca Abruzzi and Jack la Bolina). n.2 dinghies (Gorgona and Giraglia) + n.2 dinghies for refereeing. Nautical means for school assistance : 13 dinghies. Nautical means of assistance at the Nautical Headquarters: 1 rubber dinghy. Wi-Fi: present on the quay. Telegram channel : yachtclubitaliano Sailors' cell phone number : 331 3944678 Access from the sea At the entrance to the port (Bocca di levante) keep to starboard and pass exclusively on the 40m wide channel for about 500m from the Punta Vagno lighthouse. Then pull over to starboard and enter the Porticciolo Duca degli Abruzzi. Maximum speed allowed 3 knt.
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Luni Yachting

Marina in Liguria
WHO WE ARE Luni Yachting is a marina managed directly by the owners, who offer a guarantee of safety and efficiency for all operations and services carried out within the marina. Qualified and courteous staff, allows its customers to enjoy the boat at any time of the day in a welcoming and familiar atmosphere to make their stay in our structure pleasant. Present for over 15 years, Luni Yachting offers various services to its guests: berths, storage services, minor repairs, 24-hour assistance, dinghy and trolley parking, space for outdoor picnics and barbecues, self-service bar service, shaded spaces. for meals, events. The mooring is equipped both with wooden docks, in a protected position with respect to the current capable of hosting berths up to 12 m long, and with floating docks capable of accommodating berths up to 15 m. The position of the quay and the floating docks always makes it easy for boats to enter and exit the stretch of water. The convenience of the quay is the immediate proximity to the parking and marina services. The quays and floating piers are equipped with columns with electricity and water connections available to boats. In addition, we have a first mooring assistance service with specialized personnel with a service dinghy. Each berth is structured on the basis of well-studied and designed parameters for each individual boat and prepares anchoring with high quality ropes, fore and aft, with underwater structures suitable for offering the highest safety.
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Porto di Bordighera

Marina in Liguria
The small port of Bordighera is located NE of Capo S. Ampeglio and is enclosed between a long breakwater about 260 m long oriented NE and a short breakwater oriented SE. The inner shore is a quay and equipped with slides; some floating pontoons are arranged perpendicular to the shore quay. Another floating dock is located parallel to the head of the breakwater. Dangers: limited visibility at night. Hours of access: continuous. Access: boats entering/exiting must stay no closer than 100m from the red light. Maximum speed 2 knots. Entry with winds from the I and II quadrants is not recommended. Headlights and lights:1463 (E 1147) - fixed red light, 2 vert., range 3 M at the end of the head of the breakwater (safety distance 100 m). Lighthouses and beacons: 1463 (E 1147) – beacon with fixed red light, 2 vert., range 3 M at the end of the breakwater (DS 100 m). Seabed: sandy, good holding. Depths: 6 m at the entrance, 5 m in the access channel; on the quay from 2.5 to 5 m. Radio: Vhf channel 16. Berths: about 250. Maximum length: 20 m. Prohibitions: entry to units greater than 20m: anchoring and mooring prohibition in the 2nd swath. Winds: east - scirocco. Ordeal: east - sirocco. Close: west - mistral. Local Expert: Mr. Etienne Luciano responsible for port management. The small port of Bordighera is located NE of Capo S. Ampeglio and is enclosed between a long breakwater The port of Bordighera is managed by the Municipality of Bordighera as a concessionaire. There are 5 floating docks “A”-”B”-”C”-”D” for mooring pleasure boats. The wharf "F" for units in transit not exceeding 7 m, is located at the head of the breakwater. Bordighera Beach Delegation - Via Marinai d'Italia nsnc - 18012 Bordighera (IM) - tel: 0184265656 - email: dlbordighera@mit.gov.it Tranquil, smaller harbor in the hands of the city, which has a friendly mix of fishing boats and sports and leisure boats in store. Chilled environment, bathing bay just around the corner south of Via Aurelia. There is also Alessandro's nice container bar, La Cambusa 9, with good Vermentino and delicious snacks during the summer!!
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PORT OF FINALE-marina di Capo San Donato

Marina in Liguria
The Capo San Donato marina is a public port and saw the laying of the first stone in 1964. Over the years, various works have been carried out to adapt the structure to the new needs of yachtsmen with particular attention to the environment, including stand out a photovoltaic panel system for the production of electricity , the tank for the recovery of water from washing boats , the creation of an ecological island for the recovery and disposal of polluting materials, etc. All of this has allowed the marina to obtain and maintain ISO 14001 certification without losing sight of its social function and remaining within everyone's reach. The Capo San Donato marina is located NE of Finale Ligure and consists of a long inner breakwater and a breakwater. Coordinates: Lat. 44° 10`56 N - Long. 8° 22`34 E. Classification: Marina da diporto Technical characteristics of the basin: Surface area of ​​the water: 37,600 m2. (of which 1,350 of piers) Squares on the ground: 24,750 m2. Approach front development: 1,893 m. Sea bed: sandy. Depths: on the quay from 1.5 to 3.5 m. Hours of access: continuous Access:the mouth is oriented to NE; when entering, keep to the center of the entrance to avoid sandy bars on the sides. Dangers: the entrance is dangerous with heavy seas from the east. Maximum allowed draft: 2.40/2.50 m. Keep in the center of the entrance keeping the yellow buoys on your starboard entry. For any updates, consult the LOCAVURNAV or the pilot book relating to the area. Lighthouses and lights: 44.10.5 -8.22.3 flashing red light, 2 vert., range 3 M on the head of the breakwater (safety distance, 60 m); 44.10.6 - 8.22.2 flashing green light, 2 vert., range 3 M on the head of the inner breakwater. Winds: libeccio, sirocco. Traversy: sirocco. Shelter: from the north. Closest safe bays: Baia dei Saraceni, Punta Crena (Varigotti locality)
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Marina Azzurra Yachting S.r.l.

Marina in Liguria
Azzurra Yachting offers its customers high-level services in the yachting sector. Located in a strategically advantageous position for shipowners who want a safe and comfortable berth in the upper Tyrrhenian Sea (our dock is located at the mouth of the Magra River, very close to the ports of Carrara, La Spezia and Viareggio), Azzurra Yachting stands as a point of reference for the maintenance and management of both sailing and motor boats of all sizes thanks to the wide range of services available. Specialized personnel offer assistance to customers, directly on the quay, 7 days a week, both in winter and in summer with the availability of berths in water and dry. Azzurra Yachting offers services to its customers for a fast and highly professional resolution relating to nautical repairs and maintenance: – Installation, overhaul and repair of marine engines and electrical systems, installation of hydraulic gangways. – Machining on fiberglass, painting and carpentry. – Restoration of vintage boats (fasclame reconstruction, masts, teak decks, interiors, etc.). – Warranty interventions or complete refitting on M/Y and S/Y. The repairs of the boats, both in wood and in fiberglass, take place with the utmost care in the smallest details: this is made possible not only by the help of the most modern equipment available, but also by the experience gained in the sector of our qualified personnel. overhaul and repair of marine engines and electrical systems, installation of hydraulic gangways. – Machining on fiberglass, painting and carpentry. – Restoration of vintage boats (fasclame reconstruction, masts, teak decks, interiors, etc.). – Warranty interventions or complete refitting on M/Y and S/Y. The repairs of the boats, both in wood and in fiberglass, take place with the utmost care in the smallest details: this is made possible not only by the help of the most modern equipment available, but also by the experience gained in the sector of our qualified personnel. overhaul and repair of marine engines and electrical systems, installation of hydraulic gangways. – Machining on fiberglass, painting and carpentry. – Restoration of vintage boats (fasclame reconstruction, masts, teak decks, interiors, etc.). – Warranty interventions or complete refitting on M/Y and S/Y. The repairs of the boats, both in wood and in fiberglass, take place with the utmost care in the smallest details: this is made possible not only by the help of the most modern equipment available, but also by the experience gained in the sector of our qualified personnel. – Warranty interventions or complete refitting on M/Y and S/Y. The repairs of the boats, both in wood and in fiberglass, take place with the utmost care in the smallest details: this is made possible not only by the help of the most modern equipment available, but also by the experience gained in the sector of our qualified personnel. – Warranty interventions or complete refitting on M/Y and S/Y. The repairs of the boats, both in wood and in fiberglass, take place with the utmost care in the smallest details: this is made possible not only by the help of the most modern equipment available, but also by the experience gained in the sector of our qualified personnel. We have a large relaxation area, completely surrounded by greenery with a natural swimming pool, sun loungers and deck chairs, a bar restaurant, and all the reception facilities necessary for a pleasant and relaxing stay on land for our customers.
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