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Autoridad Portuaria de Bilbao - Bilbaoport

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Autoridad Portuaria de Bilbao - Bilbaoport

Marina in Spain

ATLANTIC PORT In the centre of the Bay of Biscay, equidistant from Brest and Finesterre, the Port of Bilbao is a centrality of the European Atlantic. The thing that has allowed him to establish himself, for 700 years, in privileged connection with the main ports, especially those of America and Northern Europe. Your offer of regular shipping services connect you to 800 ports around the world. Th

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43.34203 N, -3.04642 E
Port of Entry


5AM - 9AM
08 September 2024
  • wind icon
    Light and variable.
  • temp icon
  • wave icon
    NW 0.5m at 7s period
  • sun icon
    UV Index: 0 - Low
  • rain icon
    Partly cloudy
9AM - 1PM
08 September 2024
  • wind icon
    Light and variable.
  • temp icon
    Increasing from 15 to 21°C
  • wave icon
    NW 0.5m at 7s period
  • sun icon
    UV Index: 0 - Low
  • rain icon
    Mostly fine
1PM - 5PM
08 September 2024
  • wind icon
    NW 6–8 knots.
  • temp icon
  • wave icon
    NW 0.6m at 6s period
  • sun icon
    UV Index: 4 - Moderate
  • rain icon
    Mostly fine
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