Marinas in Somogy megye
Marinas in Somogy megye

Zamárdi vitorláskikötő
Marina in Somogy megye
The port of Zamárdi is located on the southern shore of the eastern basin of Lake Balaton. The small marina and boat dock are public, but due to the shallow water depth, only small dive vessels can dock. There are 47 iron-pile berths on the shore side and on the shore wall of the west pier. Guests are provided with space where possible.
At the foot of the western pier is a small boat falcon. Restaurants right on the beach. The water of the port and the area around the port entrance is very shallow, so they cannot be approached by larger capital vessels.
There are no typical landmarks around the port. At the port entrance, there is a red and white striped column with a red cylindrical roof illuminated at the north pier head and a green and white striped column with a green cone roof at the south.
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Balatonberény Magyar tenger VSE
Marina in Somogy megye
Balatonberény Magyar tenger VSE is a marina in Somogy County. Balatonberény Magyar tenger VSE is situated nearby to WC, and close to Kayak harbor.
The Balatonberényi Hungarian Marine Water Sports Association Harbor is located in the western part of Balatonberény, next to the Csicsergő peninsula. Its size allows it to store about 150 sailboats as well as rowboats. Its water depth is on average approx. 1.5 meters, but from the entrance to the open sea to the mill it is less, between 0.7-1 meters depending on the water level. For this reason, it is not recommended to try to access with a boat with a draft of more than 60 cm at high water level (greater than 100 cm).
With the help of a water falcon, it is possible at any time, if necessary, a mobile crane can be used; this happens regularly when the sailboats are retired in the fall. The fee for the carry is 1000 HUF / time. The water and electricity supply is limited, and marina guests can use the water block at the end of nearby Rózsa Street.
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Balatonboglár – Kaáli Nagy Dezső vitorláskikötő BH Zrt.
Marina in Somogy megye
The port of Balatoni Hajózási Zrt. Kaezi Nagy Dezső is located on the southern shore of the western basin of Lake Balaton. The port was put into operation in 1890. Orientation: NY. The marina of BH Zrt. Is public. Passenger boats moor at the east shore of the harbour basin. The guest house is located at the eastern end of the pier parallel to the south coast.
The 60 m wide port entrance provides protection for ships from the prevailing northeast wind. In the north-northwest wind, the indoor pool is protected due to the beneficial shading effect of the campsite trees. A great landmark is the 165 m high Váromb with its spherical lookout tower, rising east of the harbor.
The port was renovated and expanded in 2010. The coastal buildings have a harbor's office, a common room, a high-quality water block, a family bathroom, a sauna and a social block for the disabled. A changing room for young children has also been set up in the women's water block. The western shore wall has also been renewed, electricity and water supply are provided for the sailors using it. Sophisticated green areas and a covered parking lot for 200 cars are also available for sailors.
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Balatonföldvár BH vitorláskikötő
Marina in Somogy megye
Balaton Shipping is located on the southern shore of the western basin of Lake Balaton. Zrt. Balatonfoldvar Harbour.
The port was put into operation in 1905. Orientation: NE. The marina at BH Zrt. it is public. Passenger ships dock on the western shore of the port's inner dock. Toilet and shower, chemical toilet emptying, laundry room. Drinking water and shore connection (domestic connections) at the berths, 24-hour port service, guarded parking for 300 cars, 25-ton mobile crane (on request), fireplace. Buffet in the marina building.
The port has a 10T cargo port crane that provides security at the entrance and exit of boaters.
The port entrance is open to the west, so the characteristic northwest wind causes waves on the eastern dock of the port. In case of strong or stormy winds from the northwest, the waves can be so intense that they cross the low stone dam of the island of the pigeons, which can unpleasantly affect the boats that are in the guest rooms. The entrance to the port is 80 meters wide, but it is difficult to navigate windward. Tall trees on the western headland and on Pigeon Island partly deflect and partly block the wind, so the water surface in the inner harbour basin is also calmer.
The landmark is the high shore to the southwest of the port, and below it is the two staircases of the Festival Hotel.
The port has a 10T cargo port crane that provides security at the entrance and exit of boaters.
If someone enters the port by car, the GPS position of the land entrance is: 46 degrees 1'49” N 18 degrees 13'49” E
Vitorláskikötő BH Zrt is a marina in Somogy County. Vitorláskikötő BH Zrt is situated nearby to Kelta túra 5. galambsziget, and close to Vízirendészet.
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Balatonlelle – BH Vitorláskikötő
Marina in Somogy megye
The Balatonlelle port of Balatoni Hajózási Zrt. Is located on the southern shore of the western basin of Lake Balaton.
The marina was put into operation in 1933. Orientation: NY. The marina of BH Zrt. Is public. Passenger boats moor at the east shore of the harbour basin.
The marina has 220 berths and can accommodate up to 20 guest boats. Most of the ships were located next to the finger-floating piers, but piled-up berths were built next to the pier parallel to the south shore wall. The guest places are on the north side of the pier closest to the entrance, but you can also moor between the piers at the shore wall of the west pier and at the eastern ends of the piers. The harbour entrance is open to the northwest, so the ripples caused by the wind blowing from these directions hit the harbour, and the waves reach even the inside of the harbour basin, at the same time with a 55-meter-wide north-west outing. it is difficult to sail in a headwind through a port entrance. We avoid the elbow of the eastern pier because the water depth is shallow here.
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Balatonmáriafürdő Túravitorlás Egyesület
Marina in Somogy megye
Balatonmáriafürdő Túravitorlás Egyesület is a marina in Somogy County. Balatonmáriafürdő Túravitorlás Egyesület is situated nearby to Balatonmáriafürdői hajóállomás, and close to Port étterem.
outdoor kitchen use,
mooring option,
water and electricity supply,
harbormaster service,
car parking (unattended).
The port of our tourist boating association, the last western port of the southern part of Lake Balaton, also provides opportunities for large ships. Considering the normal water level of Lake Balaton, we do not recommend our port for boats with a draft greater than 150cm, and we cannot accept boats longer than 35ft! In the case of mooring, you always have to register with the port by phone or in person, but it is worth inquiring about vacancies before mooring. Guest spots are located on the East Pier, which is marked with clearly visible "P" signs
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Balatonöszöd Kormányüdülő
Marina in Somogy megye
The port of Government Resort is located on the southern shore of the western basin of Lake Balaton. The government spa port is closed and does not accept guest boats.
Balatonöszöd Kormányüdülő is a marina in Somogy County. Balatonöszöd Kormányüdülő is situated nearby to Rk, and close to Szabadstrand.
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BL YachtClub
Marina in Somogy megye
presentation of the port
BL Yachtclub is one of the most modern European standard ports with 160 berths on the southern shore of Lake Balaton. On the east and west piers, there is the possibility of a mooring berth, while the middle pier is floating.
Thanks to the special water circulation system, our port is open 365 days a year. We also keep the boats in the water outside of the classic high season so our renters can roll the foam as many times as possible. We believe that the season on Lake Balaton is not just two months, which is why we have been organizing the Winter Sailing Competition Series and the Winter Sailing Tour around Lake Balaton for years with great success.
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Ezüstpart Yacht Kikötő
Marina in Somogy megye
The port of the Siófok Silver Coast Sailing Association is located on the southern shore of the eastern basin of Lake Balaton. The association was founded in 1992. The small marina is for private use but also welcomes guests. In addition to the two piers, there are 70 berths, of which 7 berths are provided for guests. Ships can be tied to low iron piles. The water of the port is very shallow, but there are only one and a half meters of water 200-300 meters from the shore, so it cannot be approached by capital-heavy boats.
Adviser to the Harbor Master on boarders:
The third row of buoys, 150 m from the entrance, should not be approached by larger draft vessels when milling, as they may get stuck!
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Fenyves Yacht Club
Marina in Somogy megye
Fenyves Yacht Club is a marina in Somogy County. Fenyves Yacht Club is situated nearby to Ifjúsági szállás, and close to Bike Bringaközpont.
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Fonyód – Bélatelep Önkormányzat Csónakkikötő
Marina in Somogy megye
Bélatelep önkormányzati csónakkikötő is a marina in Somogy County. Bélatelep önkormányzati csónakkikötő is situated nearby to Torony Étterem, and close to Fonyód – Bélatelepi szabadstrand.
The boat port of the Bélatelep Municipality is located on the southern shore of the western basin of Lake Balaton. On the western side of Várhegy in Fonyód, the Bélatelep beach includes a small boat harbour for 50-60 boats and small diving boats. The water in the harbour pool is shallow and seaweed, the water depth at the harbour entrance is only 60 cm. The middle part of the northern stone scattering is barely visible from the water. The harbour entrance is relatively sheltered from the northwestern ripples. Ships and boats moor perpendicular to the shore in smaller piles. At a distance of 700-800 m to the northwest of the port entrance, two isolated danger buoys are anchored.
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Fonyód – Keresztes György vitorláskikötő
Marina in Somogy megye
Keresztes György vitorláskikötő is a marina in Somogy County. Keresztes György vitorláskikötő is situated nearby to Fonyód, and close to Horgony Büfé.
The port of György Keresztes of Balatoni Hajózási Zrt. Is located on the southern shore of the western basin of Lake Balaton. The port was put into operation in 1846. Orientation: NE. The port of BH Zrt. Fonyód is open to the public. Passenger ships moor at the end of the east pier and at the east bank of the port basin (Sector A). The pier perpendicular to the southern shore is part of the operating port of BH Zrt.
The marina has 125 berths, mostly in piles, of which 4 are occupied by water policing vessels at the western end of the southern pier and 5 berths are located at the eastern end of the southern pier, right next to the breakwater. The ripples caused by the characteristic north-westerly wind can penetrate the pier stalks unhindered through the 40-meter-wide port entrance open to the north so that the water on the eastern side of the indoor pool can be restless.
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Fonyód Port Lacaj
Marina in Somogy megye
The marina of the Fonyód Touring Sailing Sports Club is located in the southern part of the western basin of Lake Balaton. It has 68 moorings in its own yacht club marina, of which 3 are available to guests.
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Fonyód Yacht Club és fürdőház
Marina in Somogy megye
Fonyód Yacht Club és fürdőház is a marina in Somogy County. Fonyód Yacht Club és fürdőház is situated nearby to Fonyódi Kutyabarát Fürdőhely, and close to Kripta-villa.
The investment is suitable for the accommodation of 97 boats, for the storage of small boats and sports boats on the water, by the water, ie the sailing port is suitable for operation both in summer and in winter.
The builders also took into account the declining water level at Lake Balaton. Due to the shore dredging, the port fulfils its function even in the event of a major drop in water level, it is suitable for the permanent reception of vessels with a draft of 90-160 cm.
The project also includes the creation of a sailing club. Here you will find fitness and wellness facilities, as well as a restaurant and a 34-room hotel for the comfort and high standard of tourists.
The harbour pool can only be accessed from the west, the inner harbour pool is protected from all wind directions.
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Fonyódi Vitorlás Klub
Marina in Somogy megye
Csónakkikötő is a marina in Somogy County. csónakkikötő is situated nearby to Városi szabadstrand, and close to Asztal, parkoló.
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Hunyady József vitorláskikötő
Marina in Somogy megye
The port of József Hunyady from Balatoni Hajózási Zrt. it is located on the southern shore of the western basin of Lake Balaton.
The port became operational in 1912. Orientation: New York. A BH. Zrt. Marina is open to the public. Passenger ships dock at the west shore wall of the harbour basin, near the end of the pier, so small ship traffic is not really disturbed. 24-hour port service, winter mudguards on land, free closed parking, 25-ton mobile crane (on request). The port has a 10T cargo port crane that provides security at the entrance and exit of boaters.
The port has a 24-hour surveillance camera system. The entrance to the port is open to the W-NW, so waves caused by the characteristic wind from the northwest hit the port, which can negatively affect boats on the outer pontoons. It is difficult to navigate against the wind through the 45-meter wide harbour entrance.
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Marina in Somogy megye
The life of the Port of Siófok is very busy, especially in summer, as the boat traffic on Lake Balaton is the largest here. In front of the port building there is a large park where a monument was erected to commemorate the steamship on Lake Balaton.
The life of the Port of Siófok is very busy, especially in summer, as the boat traffic on Lake Balaton is the largest here. The cruise ships of Balatoni Hajózási Zrt.
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Siófok – Stefánia vitorláskikötő BH Zrt.
Marina in Somogy megye
The marina of Stefánia Siófok is located on the southern shore of the eastern basin of Lake Balaton. The port was built in 1863. Siófok is the largest city in the eastern basin of Lake Balaton, the cultural capital and educational centre of the southern shore. Most of the port of Siófok is public.
The two pier pools, protected by a pier, are divided into several parts. There are 282 leased berths in the marina of BH Zrt. Some of them are piled and some are fingered by swimming points. The 17 guest rooms are located at the end of the two outer piers. The port has a 10T load-bearing shore crane that provides safe entry and exit for sailors.
The entrance to the harbour is open to the north-west, so waves caused by strong north-northwesterly winds penetrate the harbour basin, although this mostly only affects the passenger harbour. In a strong headwind, the approx. It is quite difficult to sail out at the 50 m wide port entrance.
Starting from 2011, the port was renovated, the area for the mooring of passenger ships was completely renovated, the works continued with the replacement of power lines and coverings, the installation of new street furniture and lighting fixtures and the renovation of the shore wall next to the Rose Garden. Phase 3 will see the complete rebuilding of the East Pier.
The process of expanding the Vitolrás port on the west pier in Siófok is in the absence of a riverbed use contract, and negotiations are underway.
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